Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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In-db : Stay connected while designing

The designing interface is very slow when we design an in-db workflow.



The reason of that is that Alteryx connects everytime he needs to refresh the data. Example on Hive :

Mar 20 15:28:49.453 DEBUG 6048 HardyConnection::Connect: Default branding specific auth mech: 2
Mar 20 15:28:49.453 DEBUG 6048 HardyHiveClientFactory::CreateClient: Create HS2 client.
Mar 20 15:28:49.453 DEBUG 6048 HardyHiveClientFactory::GetBackendCxnPool: Create session manager.
Mar 20 15:28:49.453 DEBUG 6048 HardyHiveClientFactory::GetBackendCxnPool: Create backend connection pool.
Mar 20 15:28:49.453 DEBUG 6048 HardyHiveCxnPool::GetHS2Cxn: Create HS2 connection.
Mar 20 15:28:49.453 DEBUG 6048 HardyHiveCxnPool::GetCxnFactory: Create backend connection factory.
Mar 20 15:28:49.453 DEBUG 6048 HardyHiveCxnFactory::CreateHS2Cxn: Create HS2 HTTP transport.
Mar 20 15:28:49.453 DEBUG 6048 HardySessionManager::GetSession: Getting new session handle.
Mar 20 15:28:50.399 DEBUG 6048 HardyTCLIServiceThreadSafeClient::OpenSession: TOpenSessionReq
    client_protocol = HIVE_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V1

Maybe we could have an option on the IN DB Connection configuration to stay connected while designing (maybe with a limit time).

(PS : we also tried the option to Disable Auto Configure, it's clearly not he solution)

Status changed to: Inactive

The status of this idea has been changed to 'Inactive'. This status indicates that:


1. The idea has not had activity in the form of likes or comments in over a year.

2. The idea has not reached ten likes.

3. The idea is still in the 'New Idea' status. 


However, this doesn't mean your idea won't be implemented! The Community can still like and comment on this idea. With enough renewed interest, this idea can be brought back into the 'New Idea' status. 


Thank you for contributing to the Alteryx Community and the Alteryx Product Idea Boards!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: New Idea

This idea is being returned to the New Idea status, as it has reached the required number of likes to be brought to our product teams attention. Please note it may take time for our product team to provide a response. However, we will do our best to insure this idea is updated accordingly.


Thank you for posting and contributing to the product idea boards!


9 - Comet

+1...I've got a flow right that is using In-DB tools on a slow database/bad connection and every... single.... change..... to..... a...... tool...... is...... taking...... 30....... seconds........It's pretty unusable.




[edited later to add this PS] I've tried some workarounds:


- putting the In-DB tools in a container and then disabling the container doesn't help

- using Cache and Run workflow doesn't work for short edits when the In-DB tools take 30-40 minutes to process data (theoretically I might be able to shorten that by doing sampling in the In-DB tools, but that would require making extra edits whenever I open or save the workflow to turn on/off the sampling)

- I did try the Disable Auto Configure option as noted in this thread and that works, but at the loss of ease of use.

9 - Comet

This would be a huge quality of life improvement.  Designing a flow with In-DB tools is so slow and quite frustrating that each click on a tool or the canvas takes 10-20 seconds.  

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
9 - Comet

@AlteryxCommunityTeam please consider this post as a Vote.


If you could detail more about how people can vote or bring this issue to the attention of Alteryx Devs, I think we'd all love to understand more.  It's been over 5 years since the original post.