Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Ignore Selected Punctuation Option in Data Cleansing While Remove Unwanted Character

It will be very help full, if we have an option to ignore selected punctuation in Data Cleansing Tool under remove unwanted characters. 


For example i wanted to ignore "&" and "-" while replacing punctuation, currently there is no option to ignore characters.


Please check the possibility of Adding the feature 

8 - Asteroid

You probably have better luck using regular expressions or the replace/replacechar functions rather then having customisation in the data cleansing tool for specific characters. 

6 - Meteoroid
I agree with you but it will be most suitable for doing on one or two
columns, it will be difficult to apply the changes on multiple columns. I
wanted to do multiple columns at a time.
8 - Asteroid

How about the multi formula tool? 

6 - Meteoroid

It will not workout.

8 - Asteroid

Why not?

13 - Pulsar

I  run #regex formulas in a #multi-formula tool and

it cleanses select characters like a charm... 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes