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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Get the Collection name while executing the workflow.


It would be great if we can get the collection name by using some engine variables in the workflow. By doing so, we can use collections extensively for client specific categorizations. If we create collection for each client and if we are able to get the collection name from which collection this workflow got executed, then we will be able to track the executed workflow is performed against that respective client. This will solve the db connection establishments, i.e. based on the collection name (i.e. client name) we can build the respective client db connection the same workflow.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your idea! We appreciate the time our users take to provide us feedback and help us improve our product. Be sure to check out our other product boards and user ideas as well as our updated Submission Guidelines.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes