Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Function Documentation Pane in Tool

It would be really nice to have a pane or some sort of panel that would pull-up the documentation for a given function, rather than hitting F1, and going straight to the online documentation. Even making it available offline would be incredibly helpful for those that want to work without an internet connection.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Agree - I submitted a similar idea to go straight to the help for a given function, but perhaps your idea of pop-up text is better.

BTW - not sure if you've seen some of the in-line tours on the newer tools - that works even better :-)

11 - Bolide

I agree that it is annoying to have to click through a few pages to get help for a particular function.


Regarding the offline help - if you go to:


Option | User settings | Edit user settings | Advanced Tab


You can specific the location of the help source - Auto-Detect, Online, Offline. 


I can remember having issues with Auto-Detect not always working when Offline, but if you choose Offline it should be available.





8 - Asteroid

Agree ... this is extremely annoying.  It would save a significant amount of time if the function documentation was just displayed in-line (i.e., as in most IDE's, Tableau, etc).  If F1 would take you to documentation for the selected function then that would be ok too, but the current behavior of just opening the formula documentation ( and making you click through to find a specific function is terrible.  Please consider improving this.  Thanks,



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes