Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Force field types

One of the common issues when you build macros is the error "the schema of macro output XXX has changed between iterations"


So the next step that we commonly follow is to put a select tool into the flow just before the macro output - and convert all the fields to a specific type; untick the "unknown" field; and then sometimes have to go into the XML to add the "Forced = true" flag into the XML so that it doesn't change over time:


Please could you add an option under the "Options" tab to force / lock down the type of every field with one click?     That would eliminate dozens of clicks on every creation of a macro.


Thank you 





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

intuitive idea! thanks, Sean.

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

@CristonS could you merge my idea with this one?


@SeanAdams I like it, as it would save so many headaches and also button clicks if there was a force all option somewhere.

12 - Quasar
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes