Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Fix issue with using ctrl+backspace in Alteryx designer configuration window

I have recently come across something within Alteryx that caught me by surprise. Currently when you are within the configuration window of a tool (in this example, the browse tool) and use ctrl + backspace (shortcut for deleting a previous full word), a blank character is instead added.


Please see example:

Currently in the Browse tool configuration




Go to change the Name of the tool - and naturally to clear it, use ctrl + backspace:


[] is added to the end. From what i can gather, this is a 'control character' , used when an application does not support ctrl+backspace.

Ctrl + Delete however, is supported.


I am proposing for this character/functionality to be supported. I believe the configuration window is the main - and potentially only, i couldn't find any other examples - place this is not supported.

Hope this makes sense!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Yes please. To this day I still hit control backspace in alteryx.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Fully agree with you @TheOC - it just makes sense to use windows standards

5 - Atom

Please do this!