Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Expand Record ID tool

Ok the time has come to expand functionality in the record ID tool. I would like the ability to restart the counter based on a field (e.g zip code). You can do it quickly in Tableau (see image) so why not have this functionality readily available in Alteryx? Sure, you can already do it in Alteryx - the long way - with the generate rows tool, look at previous/active row with certain condition and do +1 or something like that.

Having a simple restart counter in Record ID tool just makes sense. It's intuitve to have it there, and it's easier to use than generate rows tool. IMHO also easy to develop by Alteryx and +1 for Alteryx in gartner magic quadrant! 




8 - Asteroid
I could have used this today.However @jroot's solution also helped me out. Good input.
8 - Asteroid

Would love to see this in the next release! Saves some additional steps for sure. 


20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

@patrick_digan @SeanAdams ,


I'm posting a CReW GroupBY Record ID macro to the gallery.!app/CReW%2BGroupByRecordID/5e417bbf0462d70decb763a9 


20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

Until this happens, here's a new CReW macro that will do the job ....!app/CReW%2BGroupByRecordID/5e417bbf0462d70decb763a9 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Thanks @MarqueeCrew !!!

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Thanks @MarqueeCrew ❤️