Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Error tracking

Hi, i am from ETL back ground and coming from my knowledge i would like to suggest or ask a feature which will helpful in alteryx solution.


"Error Line" : many ETL tools provide an "On Error" line which performs certain actions like "altering user by sending an email", "ignoring and going to next step" etc. It will be great if Alteryx can provide the same feature where we can have an error line (red line) for each tool.


Hope this is not a repeated idea. thank you for all the support and providing a wonderful tool.



Harika K

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @harikakummara - this doesn't totally cover your request, but a somewhat hidden feature I use in a lot of my processes is to send an email on error. You can able this in the Workflow Configuration window under Events > Add > Send Email > Run Event When: > After Run with Errors.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey  @harikakummara - fully agree with your idea - logged the same idea a few weeks back:



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes