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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Environment Variables/Constants

Would really love there to be a way to store environment related config variables without requiring the use of an external config 'file' that you need to bring in in every workflow.


Functionality should be similar to how the Alias manager works (although allowing aliasing of more than just DB connections)


The sort of things that would typically be included as such a variable would be:

  • contact email address for workflow failure/completion
  • other external log file location
  • environment name
  • environment specific messaging

If this could be set for different subscriptions or collections it would be fantastic. If not, at the server level would suffice.

11 - Bolide

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17 - Castor
17 - Castor

This is a very interesting idea, I can see how it would be very useful.

8 - Asteroid

Having Environment Variables in something like the "Workflow Settings" would be ideal from my perspective.  They should be able to be updated by the Artisan who has update permissions and from the gallery environment.  If you have a sandbox environment, you don't want to have to modify the workflow between environments.  it would be ideal if the updates from settings would be called from the User.Constants Designer and overwrite those values.





8 - Asteroid

We'd like this very much +1

6 - Meteoroid

Still no way to use global variables?