Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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ESRI Geodatabase Read/Write

As of Version 10.6, Alteryx supports connecting to ESRI File GeoDatabases from the input tool but it doesnt support writing to a geodatabase.  This is something we would really like to see implemented in a future version of Alteryx.  Those of us working with ESRI products and/or any of the ESRI online mapping systems can do our processing in Alteryx and store large files as YXDBs, but ultimately need our outputs for display in ArcOnline to be in shapefile or geodatabase feature class format. Shapefile have a size limit of 2 GBs and limitation on field name sizes. Many of the files we are working with are much larger than this and require geodatabases for storage which are not limited by size (GDB size is unlimited, 1 TB max per feature class) and have larger field name widths (160 chars).  Right now, we have to write to one (or many) shapefile(s) from Alteryx, then import them into a GDB using ArcMap or ArcPy.  This can be an arduous process when working with large amounts of data or multiple files.


The latest ESRI API allows both read and write access to GDBs -- is there a way we can add this to the list of valid output formats in Alteryx?


This idea is an extension of an older idea:

11 - Bolide

Hear ya. I have given up on it. I used MDBs in open source GIS and it just doesn't recognize them. Have you had luck with other solutions/formats? I tried spatial odbc/SQL server/Oracle and I have had some luck with that - just need to be careful with coords out of bounds.


I'm working on writing a Python script using ArcPy that I'll put into a macro, but I'm having trouble with the geometry object.

11 - Bolide

arcpy - nice! what are you using as input? Does it have mixed geometries?

Alteryx's not reading any geometries right now, which is the issue, haha, but it should read any by the time I'm done.  I'm outputing a .dbf for the table and a .csv for the points then creating the geometry object and using an arcpy.da.InsertCursor to add the features to the layer.


Is there any chance that we can expect this in Alteryx 11?

7 - Meteor

This is a big deal. Alteryx shines at being able to read and write data from just about any data type, yet the File Geodatabase is a glaring exception. 

8 - Asteroid

Agreed. The ability to read & write data from a File Geodatabase is necessary for the majority of GIS users. Please make this a higher priority.

10 - Fireball

 Could we get a link to the original duplicated thread?

5 - Atom

+1  New customer here feeling frustrated by the GDB support in v 11.0.   A response from Alteryx on this thread would be appreciated.

5 - Atom

Am I missing something, the new version still cant write to a file Geodatabase?  Please Please get this in the Que!