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Different behaviours for conversion errors

Alteryx has different behaviours for conversion errors depending on the type of conversion desired. When converting from string to date data type, a conversion error will generate a NULL value. When converting from a string to a numeric data type, a conversion error will generate 0. Why the different behaviours? There is a lack of harmony here. 0 is a valid value and should not be the generated value for a failed string to numeric conversion. It should be NULL.


When I perform data type conversions, i do not apply them directly to the source field and then cast it. If there is a conversion error, then I have lost or corrupted the source information. Rather, I create a target field with the desired data type and use a formula to apply a conversion, such as datetimeparse or tonumber. Finally, I do a comparison of the source and target values. If the datetimeparse generated a NULL then I can PROGRAMMATICALLY address it in the workflow by flagging or doing some other logic. This isn't so easy to do with numerics because of the generated 0 value. If I compare a string "arbitrary" to the generated 0 value as a string then clearly these do not match. However, if I compare a scientific value in a string to the converted numeric as a string, then these do not match though they should. My test of the conversion shows a false positive.


I want a unified and harmonised conversion behaviour. If the conversion fails, generate a NULL across the board please. If I am missing something here and people actually like conversion errors to generate 0 please let me know.

12 - Quasar

I have a workaround until Alteryx resolves this. I know that a string to number conversion error will result in a 0. I am performing conditional logic with regex to check the conversion, as shown below where source_field is the string and target_field is the converted number:


IF [target_field] = 0
REGEX_Match([source_field], '\$?0*\.?0+')
THEN Null()
ELSE 'conversion error'
ELSE Null()

12 - Quasar

According to the documentation for the ToNumber function, there is an optional argument keepNulls. It is set by default to 0 / False which means that if a string conversion results in a Conversion Error, the resulting value will be the number 0. All this time, I could have used it with a 1 / True which means that if a string conversion results in a Conversion Error, the resulting value with a NULL. Why didn't anyone tell me? All this time...

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@seven Thanks for passing along that note about the tonumber function, very useful.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes