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Dark Mode

Please add a toggle for Dark Mode as Alteryx, after all these years of using it, is burning out my retinas. 


The OS and most apps have a Dark Mode theme so flipping back to a bright white canvas is very jarring.  I tried to adjust the canvas colors in a more muted way but never can get it to work satisfactorily and still be as easy to read as the retina burning default.  


13 - Pulsar

Try running in Dark Mode on a Mac and having to use Parallels.  The blast of white light is blinding and disruptive to the zen of Dark Mode...that and the Windows 95 interface.  I bet a Mac version of Alteryx would be wicked fast -- maybe if both macOS and Windows move to ARM. 

5 - Atom

I would also use dark mode

5 - Atom

I think a dark mode, is long overdue and would be a great feature. 
As OP suggested, by creating your own "dark mode" you're losing some of the details, plus the majority of screens cannot be adjusted. 

Furthermore, I think the used colour scheme would look really nice on a dark background 🙂 Although that's not really the point.. 🙂

5 - Atom

My whole setting is in Dark Mode. Literally, every application is adapted to Dark Mode, every web-page is forcefully modified to be in a Dark Mode. Everything, but Alteryx.

I'd be really grateful if you save my retina with implementing of this feature.

8 - Asteroid


7 - Meteor

I know there have been a few threads about a Dark / Night Theme in the past but I think it is worth looking at this again as a much larger cohort of Alteryx Designer users are now in a work from home environment we aren't all in super well lit offices anymore.


Even with my Windows / Display settings adjusted Designer is just so bright.


This one feels like a quick / easy win.

8 - Asteroid

I agree with all previous commenters--Alteryx is one of the only applications I use that doesn't have a dark mode option, which is unfortunate, because I'm using it so often. Please get it on the roadmap, and soon.

7 - Meteor

add me to the list of users who desperately wants a dark mode!

5 - Atom

I want dark mode too please make it happen!

5 - Atom

Another vote for native dark mode. Canvas settings don't do it.