Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Dark Mode

Please add a toggle for Dark Mode as Alteryx, after all these years of using it, is burning out my retinas. 


The OS and most apps have a Dark Mode theme so flipping back to a bright white canvas is very jarring.  I tried to adjust the canvas colors in a more muted way but never can get it to work satisfactorily and still be as easy to read as the retina burning default.  


9 - Comet

What are the Designer Release notes for 2020.1 referring to when it says using Designer in Dark Mode.  As in there is a Dark Mode available?


2020-03-06 09_18_42-Greenshot.png

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @mbogusz!


Apologizes for the confusion, we actually misspoke on the Release Notes and are having that fixed. We currently do not have a Dark Mode for Designer, this particular point is referring to the ability for a user to have better text visibility when they change their canvas color to a darker color through the options. 

10 - Fireball

Wha... Wha...


8 - Asteroid

Dark mode would be very much welcome.

5 - Atom

Yep, definitely keen on a dark mode for Alteryx.

9 - Comet

Couldnt believe there is no such option. Hope you will find time to add it soon.

5 - Atom

Would love a dark mode.  As I get older (wiser), black font on white background is getting harder to read.  Much prefer white font on black background.

7 - Meteor

I would also like a dark mode

5 - Atom

I would also like a dark mode

6 - Meteoroid

Also would desperately prefer a dark mode. Alteryx is pretty much the only application I'm using that doesn't.

