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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Customize Email Event Output (Workflow Configuration Events)

It would be great if we could create more customization of the email output in the Events in the Workflow Configurations.  Currently we can output the number of error, warnings, etc. and the entire output log.  It would be great if we could only send the error messages in an email instead of sending the whole output log (similar to the output of a workflow run with errors in the Alteryx Gallery).  The customization in the Email Tool is great, but this isn't helpful when a scheduled workflow fails. I found this related thread on the discussion forum: Thanks!

5 - Atom

Having functionality to only show the errors from the output log would be extremely helpful. Currently we have t copy the log from the e-mail and paste elsewhere to parse out the error message. This is especially difficult if you have a lot of tools in a workflow and several conversion errors (quite common in Salesforce Input).

5 - Atom

This one would be very helpful for us too.


I have a lot of scheduled workflows that I send event emails from and seeing only the errors could help make it easier to understand what failed at a glance. Also, seeing the name I applied to the tool rather than its tool ID would make the whole thing even better. Right now I'm typing "ToolID <#> is the <whatever> tool" because I have not found a way to get it to send the tool by name.

11 - Bolide

I hit this today. It would REALLY help if variables could be used in the address, subject, and body of the after run options.

Also the initial after run with errors is good but we need to be able to customize the template.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
8 - Asteroid

Voting on this! definitely helpful to have this option to be able to customize or attach as a text file to search through the errors during debugging.