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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Custom Functions

I have been developing and accumulating custom functions over the years and they have proved to be very useful.  I am submitting these here.  I hope they are found to be beneficial.

Functions included in the attached file include:

  • DateTime
    • StandardDate(String) - Transforms any valid string to the standard date format yyyy-mm-dd
  • File
    • FileDirDepth(Path) - Returns the zero based depth of the path (zero being the root)
    • FileGetFolder(Path, Depth) - Returns the folder name given the zero based depth in the path (zero being the root)
  • String
    • LeftPart(String, Separator) - Returns the left part of a string up to the first separator
    • RightPart(String, Separator) - Returns the right part of a string after the first separator
    • Split(String, Delimiter, Index) - Returns the zero indexed part of a delimited string
    • CleanSpace(String) - Trims string and replaces multiple spaces with a single space
    • UnicodeToASCIIBasic(String) - Replaces all Unicode Characters with ASCII Basic equivalents
  • Test
    • InList(Variable, List) - If Variable is in List returns True. List must be pipe delimited
    • IsValidEmail(String) - Returns True if string is a valid email format
    • IsUUID(String) - Returns True if string is a valid UUID

To make these functions available in Alteryx, place the attached xml file in the folder C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\FormulaAddIn if you have a standard installation. If the install is non-standard, find the \bin\RuntimeData\FormulaAddIn folder and place the attached xml file there.  Ateryx will need a restart for the functions to be available.

8 - Asteroid

@Karben_Mejia interesting concept.  That can be done with RegEx.  Never thought about creating a custom function from it.

Status changed to: Accepted

We're including several of these functions to be added to the list of available functions in Designer - stay tuned! 😁 Thanks for the great idea (and the fabulous Custom Formulas workaround in the meantime!)

Status changed to: Accepted

Update: We're planning on adding several new functions in our next release to handle these string parsing scenarios! 


  • LeftPart(String, Separator) - Returns the left part of a string up to the first separator >> GetLeft
  • RightPart(String, Separator) - Returns the right part of a string after the first separator >> GetRight
  • Split(String, Delimiter, Index) - Returns the zero indexed part of a delimited string >> GetPart

Stay tuned, coming soon!

(Will keep this in "Accepted" status for the time being as there were multiple suggested functions in this Idea that we are considering for future implementation!)

8 - Asteroid

Thanks @NicoleJ 


Status changed to: Ongoing

We've implemented a few new formula functions in 23.2 release, including GetPart (our rename for "Split"), GetLeft, and GetRight! We'll continue evaluating some of these other suggestions for future releases 😁 


We're still on a roll with new formula functions, including another one that I think applies from this list: UnicodeNormalize function, available now with the 24.2 release