Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Create Space and Easily Arrange your Canvas

Speed up canvas edits - The Create/Remove Space Tool


Usually day two of working with a canvas I realize that I have been a fool, and I come up with a significantly more elegant or simple solution.  Moving all of the containers or tools to fit my slick new container is cumbersome and slow.  I've created a GIF of a feature several tools have which allows the user to easily move and arrange items on the canvas.


Open source tool used in demo: bpmnJs








13 - Pulsar

Great demo

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Not Planned

Thanks for submitting the idea. If you are interested in a well organized canvas you may be interested in the following features:

  • Align Vertically and Align Horizontally - Just select multiple tools and then right click to select align vertically and align horizontally
  • If you drag a tool to a small connection between tools the tools will move over to make room for the tool that you are adding to the workflow. 

We don't have this planned on the roadmap for the next year, but I'll keep it in mind when we make some improvements to the canvas.