Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Copy field type/size with data

Often in larger workflows, I will copy data partway down the stream into a new workflow in order to troubleshoot a small section in order to avoid having to run the workflow over and over again which can take a while. I'm aware (and thankful) of cacheing, but sometimes if there are many parallel streams or, I'd rather just copy the data from the data preview built into the tool so I don't have to take the time to run the workflow again. I'm also aware I could output a yxdb file and use that, but again that takes longer than I would like.


The issue I run into is if I copy the data and paste in a text input tool, all the field types change to what they would default to. This is fine with new data, but for data that has specific fields throughout the workflow, this can be a hassle. If copying data could also copy the field type and size that would be great.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @cslunger 

Am I understanding your request correctly - you're asking that if you copy data out of the browse section and paste it into another canvas - Alteryx should copy not just the data but also the meta-data?


Given that Alteryx creates these as text-inputs - this would also require optional typing on a text-input tool - which would also be a good idea!


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes