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Control Order of Execution of Workflow Objects (Container)


Wanted to control the order of execution of objects in Alteryx WF but right now we have ONLY block until done which is not right choice for so many cases 

Can we have a container (say Sequence Container) and put piece of logic in each container and have control by connecting each container?
Hope this way we can control the execution order
It may be something looks like below 

7 - Meteor

Hey everyone! its now 2020, and i can definitely say the ability to control order of execution of containers would be one of the most beneficial features to Alteryx i and my company as a whole can think of. has their been ANY progress on this issue? it seems quite basic to be honest, a sort of "hold until done" tool that works specifically for containers would be both elegant and practical.

I've built tens of workflows that would have greatly benefitted from a feature like this but one was not available, I'm not surprised to see the community has been clammoring for this feature for years now. why isnt the dev team prioritizing this feature?


7 - Meteor

IS there any update on this? It was originally requested five years ago? I am new to Alteryx, and I am shocked that I cannot control the order that these processes run in.

5 - Atom

Echoing the sentiments of this thread how can I explicitly define the order of operation? This thread is quite long and old. When will this necessary feature be included? 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi all!

I wanted to provide an update regarding this idea. Our product team is currently looking into how we could best implement this idea without creating any unexpected side effects or issues, which is fairly time consuming. However, we are still actively looking into this idea and how we could go about including it in the product and will do our best to update this idea once we have a bit more insight.


We appreciate everyone's patience while we complete this research and preliminary testing.

11 - Bolide

@KylieF  - 


Thank you and please give a shoutout to the devs for putting cycles onto this.



7 - Meteor



This is great news, I can only imagine how complicated this feature will be to test.  That said, the functionality is worth the effort, this is probably the most impactful enhancement that could be made to the toolset.



7 - Meteor

@KylieF May I ask any news/update on the possibility of having this sequential function until now?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@thuyduongnguyenI can answer that from a dev's perspective.


We've been examining several possibilities based on the community's activity around this idea, as well as internal goals. Some ideas involve integrating not only order of execution, but also conditional execution into containers like these. Others involve different ways of solving the order of execution problem alone. Either way, we are very interested in tackling this issue and look forward to giving a more concrete update at some point.


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review



The Product team is researching how to allow users to order and control the execution of the tools in a workflow. This will be a coordinated effort between UX, Engine, and Designer teams. No ETA, but we'll update this idea if or when it makes it to the roadmap.

Status changed to: Accepted