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Control Order of Execution of Workflow Objects (Container)


Wanted to control the order of execution of objects in Alteryx WF but right now we have ONLY block until done which is not right choice for so many cases 

Can we have a container (say Sequence Container) and put piece of logic in each container and have control by connecting each container?
Hope this way we can control the execution order
It may be something looks like below 

5 - Atom

Just to add to many of the reasons why this functionality is important - 


In our organisation we are limited by the number of concurrent connections that we can have to the data warehouse (approx. 3)


When running complex workflows with multiple input nodes & in-db nodes, often the workflows will error out due to Alteryx attempting to process multiple nodes at once that use this connection.


If I had the functionality to control the execution I could limit certain nodes to only run after the others / sequentially so that I would never exceed the number of concurrent connections.

5 - Atom

Just to add to many of the reasons why this functionality is important - 


In our organisation we are limited by the number of concurrent connections that we can have to the data warehouse (approx. 3)


When running complex workflows with multiple input nodes & in-db nodes, often the workflows will error out due to Alteryx attempting to process multiple nodes at once that use this connection.


If I had the functionality to control the execution I could limit certain nodes to only run after the others / sequentially so that I would never exceed the number of concurrent connections.

5 - Atom

Hi Rachel,


An example would also be that I'm modifying elements of existing workflows and everything I need to add executes at the very end even though my inputs are at the beginning of the workflow.  It's quite frustrating when one needs to add a join in the beginning to get more information from another db and then it holds up all the joins that are after the input, thus creating a huge bottle neck.  I would say being able to control the order of operations to some extent is necessary in this case otherwise I have to rebuild the workflow from scratch with no copy paste.


Hopefully this will give you another example to why this is important to users.



12 - Quasar

This is to @ScottShimer.  if you read from the top you will see my support for a degree of control but I noticed your comments and think there may be solutions in your case so you don't need to wait for Alteryx. Event can work if the batch file is written with differently  I typically write batch files within batch files in order to capture a log of the events for review if there are issues and to progammatically analyze to send alerts.  If you run one batch that runs the other and the other fails it doesn't fail the first one that ran the 2nd one.  you can also manipulate the errorlevel received after a command is executed.


My preferred method is not to use an EVENT but rather a RunCMD tool to execute a batch I dynamically create and or modify.  In your example I would use Alteryx Directory tool to get list of files in folder, analyze the list and write a batch to move the files found and if no files found then have a dummy thing like an echo statement that says no files to move...then the run command executes the batch just created and either moves files or does nothing but echo the statement.  I have one batch that is static that defines a log file and executes the other dynamically generated batch with redirect of msgs to the log file.  the runcmd tool executes the static batch file which in turn executes the dynamically created or modified batch file.  the messaging from the 2nd batch are redirected to the log file and if anything ever goes wrong you can go look and see what happened.


I do this for more complex needs where I run many flows from command line and the log captures all the output view messaging from the Alteryx flow being run by the command line statement.


but in your simple scenario it would be rarely used because the batch should always be executing commands it can do..a move or an echo...but if someone opens a file right as you start your job there may be a file lock and you might get an error on the move...but it won't generate an error in the first batch that ran the 2nd batch.


you can control RunCMD to insure it happens where you want by positioning and I often use a Block until Done tool... or write one flow to create the batch file and run it then have that flow launch a second flow that reads the moved files via an event or RunCMD...but that is unnecessary....just showing there is usually more than one way to solve a problem...


I am writing in a rush so I hope I was clear enough vs confusing...hope this helps at least in your situation.

5 - Atom

Just curious what is the current status of this?


Our workflow needs to output data into a base table in Oracle before starting to input data from a view that is built on the same base table.

The ability to define the sequences of execution for containers in a workflow is just invaluable.





8 - Asteroid

I learned to count and put things in order in kindergarten I think.  Maybe pre-school. For all the good things Alteryx does there are some things that I shake my head that it can't do.  This is one of them.  I think this functionality would have been available day 1.  I create two containers.  I want one to execute before the other.  Simple stuff.

10 - Fireball

this is an obvious need. With complex workflows (copy/paste from other flows) the order of execution gets mangled. Right now i have queries based off of upstream write nodes that run before the write occurs. This is an obvious issue. 

6 - Meteoroid

I also need such functionality. 

We're grabbing data from various data-sources , transform them and then load them into out Dim / Fact tables. 


Step 1: Process Dim tables ;

Step 2: Process Fact Tables which use references to Dim Tables ( this step should only start after previous step is done ).


Hope this will be available soon.

6 - Meteoroid

Add me to the list of people requesting this functionality.

Coming from a SAS programming background - my SAS programs are built based on the assumption that steps in the program happen in a specific order.  Alteryx not having this ability is disappointing.

7 - Meteor

I check monthly to see if the status has changed on this request...


3.5 years after the status changed to "Under review" and we are still using workarounds and 3rd party macros!