Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Compressed Real Time file format

I'm using .sv file format for compressing large files and using them in Alteryx.  .sv is call a Alteryx Spatial Zip file.  This format seems to offer the highest level of compression of all the Alteryx file format types.  Is this suitable for text also?  Is it usable in real time vs uncompressing first then using in a workflow?  If not, I think a compressed real time file format would be a nice addition.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Hi Gilbert,

I believe what you are referring to is the .sz file format?  This is an older format that does not have a spatial index and chooses high compression over performance.  You are able to select this file format directly from the input or output tools so that you do not have to decompress the file separately before using it in a workflow.  

We don't recommend this format as it does not have a lot of the nice features that yxdb's have.  We're actually considering deprecating it as it does not provide additional functionality outside of making the files smaller.

6 - Meteoroid
Yes .sz is correct.  Thank you for the details.  I will avoid using it.