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Catch errors to avoid an error message in the log

In many programming languages, errors can be thrown and caught so that the final program does not fail even if a procedure or function produces an error.


I would like to propose something similar for Alteryx, using the Control Containers. Already now, a Control Container outputs the log in the container to its output stream on the upper right corner:


Still, the workflow produces an error:


My idea is to optionally avoid the error output to the log but only report the error through the control container's output log. The error message in the output log should be "degraded" to a warning. The output log of the control container should stay unchanged. The configuration of the Control Container could look like this (addition in red):


This would help a lot if stuff produced by others is used (e.g., third party macros) which might fail while this might be normal behaviour for the workflow.

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I agree with this, there are times where errors occur on an input or dynamic input tool where the excel file is corrupt and all that needs to be done to allow those to process is open up the file and resave in excel.  Which we can do via a python script, but I need to get the error first to know to run the script on the file.  Being able to capture errors and resume processing would be ideal, it takes the manual work out of reviewing errors and having to manually touch a file.  Unfortunately we receive several corrupted files and would love to handle these directly in alteryx or have a option on the input or dynamic input to auto save file in excel if the error is received.