Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Bring back the Operators section to the fx area in the new Formula Tool

Dear Alteryx,


You know the thing I used most in the old Formula tool? The "Operators" section under "Formulas" that reminded me of Alteryx's particular syntax for things you can use in formulas but that aren't formulas themselves. (I switch between Alteryx, Tableau and Excel for writing formulas, and they all have slightly different rules for this stuff - having a quick syntax reference right where I needed it in Alteryx was SO HANDY!!.) There is no operators section in the new "fx" section. Please add it in. As it is, I've taken to opening a second instance of Alteryx with nothing but a loose filter tool so I can look at the operators section there when I'm trying to use the new formulas tool in my working instance. This is not ideal.


Thank you!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@ksklar Thanks so much for the feedback and for sharing how you've found a work around, even if it's not ideal. Just to clarify, you keep a Filter tool open, so you can see this Operators list?



I'd like to find out more about how you were using the operators list in Formula and how you are using it in Filter currently. I'm looking at ways we can continually make improvements on Formula and make improvements to Filter. 




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented
7 - Meteor