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Box Input and Output Tools

in our organization people are moving away from network drives to BOX for file repository and they needs to use to connect to BOX using Alteryx as an Input and Output platform where they should be able to access files to read and write. 

Currently few of the users are able to use the BOX as a repository using BOX Sync tool (Map BOX as a network drive) but that is not at all useful when they try to save into a gallery and run or schedule on the gallery. A connector for BOX will be of great help. 

9 - Comet

Hi @KylieF , this is great news!


I did an initial download and there's no configuration documentation/information...the tool appears to be making an assumption that we're Box developers along with Alteryx users (and I'm not a Box developer).  When I have more time I'll try it out more to see what I can figure out, right now I really don't know how to proceed with it.


Some things I'd like to know:


1) What auth method(s) does the tool use? (Because if I have to configure a Box app I need to set that up).

2) What is the "Box service account file" and how do I create one?

3) What's Redirect URI in the End user authentication?

4) What file type(s) does the Box tool support for input? I saw Excel was in the latest beta, what else?


Also the help for the Box Input tool currently directs to the Python tool.




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @jdrummey ,


Thanks for trying out the Box Tools. In short, the Box APIs (Which we are using under the hood), require you have a Box App configured. Depending on your permissions, you'll likely need to work with your Box Admin in order to get that setup. Here are high level answers to your questions in bold.


1) What auth method(s) does the tool use? (Because if I have to configure a Box app I need to set that up).

OAuth 2.0 and OAuth2.0 with JWT


2) What is the "Box service account file" and how do I create one?
This is the .json credentials file you can generate in the Developer Console for your OAuth2.0 with JWT App.


3) What's Redirect URI in the End user authentication?

With a standard OAuth 2.0 App, this is one of the parameters you or your admin  will need to setup in the Developer Console. After granting access to Box, the browser will redirect to the Redirect URI to extract an Authorization Code, which we exchange for a Access Token and Refresh Token. Note that after one hour your access will expire and you will need to log out and sign back in.


4) What file type(s) does the Box tool support for input? I saw Excel was in the latest beta, what else?

CSV, JSON, AVRO and Excel are supported


Also the help for the Box Input tool currently directs to the Python tool.

Good catch here. We are working with our technical writing team on setting up documentation





8 - Asteroid

I am poking around the beta tools and also have some questions/feedback.


General questions

  • Is the .json credential file stored in cache after selecting it?
  • Will the tools work/ have been tested on private Alteryx Server/Gallery? (I tried it and got an error)


Box Output

  • Will it allow dynamic file names? We often use formula tools to build filenames based off fields in the data.
  • Will the Excel format allow multiple sheets? Dynamically named sheets?


Thank you for putting the tools together! Great to see the progress on 'em.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @mcha54,


Thanks for trying out the beta. My answers to your questions are below.


General questions

  • Is the .json credential file stored in cache after selecting it? The credentials are encryped in the Alteryx workflow (an XML document) at the machine level
  • Will the tools work/ have been tested on private Alteryx Server/Gallery? (I tried it and got an error). The Box Tools are planned to work on Server in our upcoming 2020.3 release. Both Designer and Server will need to be on 2020.3. There are a few configuration changes that will require a support ticket ( when 2020.3 is released.


Box Output

  • Will it allow dynamic file names? We often use formula tools to build filenames based off fields in the data.
  • Will the Excel format allow multiple sheets? Dynamically named sheets?

These two items aren't currently possible, but we are looking into both items. We'll post an update if we have any news.




9 - Comet

Thanks for the answers and the quick response, @AndrewKramer !


Based on your responses I've got a few more questions:


1. Will the Box Input for Excel support getting the list of sheet names?


2. Are there additional input format(s) that you will be supporting in the first release (the two that we need besides the ones you've listed are ESRI shape files and Tableau Hyper extracts)?


3. Two questions about the output:

a. What output formats are presently supported?

b. What output formats will be supported in the first release?


Thanks again,




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @jdrummey,


The beta of the Box Tools currently supports CSV, JSON, Avro and Excel for both input and output.


The Box Tools beta are part of the Innovation District and we are constantly evaluating the feedback. If the Box Tools prove popular, we will take them out of Innovation and provide additional enhancements. 


I've shared your feedback on ESRI, Tableau Hyper Extracts, and Excel with our product management team. I'll be sure to update the thread here if we have any updates regarding new functionality.


Thanks for trying out the Box Connector and providing your feedback!


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Everyone,


If you're looking for a getting started guide for the Box Connector, I've written a blog post walking through the steps:



8 - Asteroid

@AndrewKramer is this still the best place to provide feedback on the Box tools?


  • Input tool seems to truncate cells when reading Excel file with long text. Got a lot of 'XYZ.. was truncated' messages on some of my files.
  • There doesn't appear to be any Results messages for if a file is successfully Read (Input tool) or uploaded to Box (Output tool), which is useful for confirmations or diagnosing issues. I know the Box Python SDK calls return some messages. It would be great if your tools can output them.

Question about using it with Server 2021.1 -- how do we include our individual JSON credential file when saving up to the Gallery?


Thanks, and we'll keep on testing it! 😀



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

If you're looking for a getting started guide for the Box Connectors, Andrew Kramer has written a blog post walking through the steps.



5 - Atom



For Box output, can we expect an 'Append' function as well?


Also it seem date is always outputted as datetime.

