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Box Input and Output Tools

in our organization people are moving away from network drives to BOX for file repository and they needs to use to connect to BOX using Alteryx as an Input and Output platform where they should be able to access files to read and write. 

Currently few of the users are able to use the BOX as a repository using BOX Sync tool (Map BOX as a network drive) but that is not at all useful when they try to save into a gallery and run or schedule on the gallery. A connector for BOX will be of great help. 

5 - Atom

This functionality would be a game changer in our workflows!

5 - Atom

We would like this too

9 - Comet


5 - Atom

Would be extremely helpful if we output files from a workflow running on the gallery to a box folder account

7 - Meteor

This would be fantastic! the ability to easily write files to Box via Alteryx Gallery would be huge!

5 - Atom

We also need it as soon as possible please!

8 - Asteroid

Box connector tools would be great -- perhaps one general file input, and then a directory tool. We are currently trying to use scripts to get metadata information - tags, description, version #s, etc. Having the ability to pull this information natively in Alteryx would be a definite win.

14 - Magnetar

This would be very useful for me

5 - Atom

8 months later and still no connector to BOX?  Trying to demo out how amazing Alteryx is, but a connector to Box is critical in order for this to work.  Please please get this added.  


*Update* FOUND A SOLUTION!!!  


Visit the link below for instructions.  I just tried ran a directory input for a box folder and it brought in all the data!!

11 - Bolide

Upvoted.  This would be a great addition to the list of connectors.