Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Box Input and Output Tools

in our organization people are moving away from network drives to BOX for file repository and they needs to use to connect to BOX using Alteryx as an Input and Output platform where they should be able to access files to read and write. 

Currently few of the users are able to use the BOX as a repository using BOX Sync tool (Map BOX as a network drive) but that is not at all useful when they try to save into a gallery and run or schedule on the gallery. A connector for BOX will be of great help. 

5 - Atom



We have MANY users that would appreciate this feature. Is there any update towards the outcome?

7 - Meteor

YES PLEASE!! This would be a huge win for us

8 - Asteroid

I've been working with the Box API/Python SDK a bit more and maybe you could do something like this as a start


For our company, they require an approved "Box App" on the Box Server, and they'll gives us a .json config file with credentials. 

The Alteryx Box "input" macro/app would ask for that json file as an input and some questions: read a folder, or read a file? Then it would ask for the Folder or File ID, and read that item.


Currently it is possible to do this in the Python tool, but having a built-in tool would be nice.

6 - Meteoroid


6 - Meteoroid

we need to upload files into box without downloading the box sync tool.  Same for dropbox.

5 - Atom


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepted

Thank you all for your feedback and patience!


Our product team was able to review this request and include it on the near future road map. This data connector in particular will appear in our Innovation Lab on Gallery. We'll also update this idea again once it's available for download.

8 - Asteroid

@KylieF That is fantastic news!! Everyone on my team is so looking forward to seeing it. 😄

9 - Comet

@KylieF  thanks for the update! I'd be happy to be a beta tester if you're looking for any.


I've got a few notes on features:

- If the input is using the Box API then having some way to have a local cached version of the file is really important to us. For example I might have a 100MB spatial file that's on Box and I don't want to have re-download it every time the workflow runs.


- Also if the input is using the Box API then it needs to support SSO, otherwise it's a no-go for us.


- If the new tools are integrating with Box Sync/Box Drive folders then they need to handle non-default folder locations, including Box folders on UNC paths.


- Speaking of spatial files, we need the connector to handle file types like ESRI Shapefiles that have multiple file components.


- Being able to list the files in the folder and then access them is important, for example we might have multiple CSVs on Box that require individual processing.


- The current Input tool can do a union of files that have the same format, we'd like that.






Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi All!


I'm excited to say the box connectors are now officially in beta! You can find them for download on our Gallery under the Innovation District or by following this link:!app/Box-Tools/5eda84cf826fd30ee0bf8b20

Since these tools are actively in beta, all feedback is greatly appreciated so we can continue to update and improve them, so please be sure to let us know what you think here or in the Designer Discussion board!