Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Azure Data Lake V2 Connectors

I have recently added an Azure data lake v2.   The Azure input/output connectors do not work with this version of the Azure data lake.


It appears that Alteryx adds "" to the file path.   This works for V1, but not needed for V2


any plans to configure a connector for Azure data lake v2?

5 - Atom



We are building data lake in Azure Gen 2 storage account.


But can't find any direct connectors from Alteryx to Azure storage gen 2 and Blob storage as well.


Currently Atleryx support Gen 1,but microsoft stop supporting soon.


It is business crtical for us.


When can we expect this feature in alteryx?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)


5 - Atom

Any update on adding Azure data lake gen 2 connector?

5 - Atom

Our team is moving from on prem to cloud storage for Business Intelligence data.  We need Gen 2 support for Azure to support our citizen data scientists/business analysts.

5 - Atom

Any update on this feature or Blob storage connection? 

6 - Meteoroid

Can we get any update on when this might be available?  We are working on our Cloud build and this is imperative to our use case activation

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Accepted

This topic is very high on our overall Data Connectors roadmap for 2020. We have not completed all the prioritization / planning yet, so I am sorry but I cannot promise any specific release date at this moment. I can however assure you that it will be one of our priorities. 

7 - Meteor

I am glad that this is accepted. I am also waiting for ADLS Gen2 connector. Thank you.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)


5 - Atom

Hi Team,


We need to use Alteryx to process and transfer a csv file to HDFS directory in HDInsight environment.We are using ADLS Gen2 as primary storage. Kindly let us know if you have any updates on configuration for ADLS Gen2.