Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Attaching a macro as a user asset doesn't respect Relative dependencies

I frequently have to build nested macros into workflows that will live on the Gallery. Unfortunately, Gallery does not "see" these nested macros when I save to Gallery and manage assets. I have to open the macros, attach the nested macros within through every single nesting layer, save all of them, then return to the main workflow before I can save to the Gallery and have it "see" the nested macros. I usually attach them to the workflow so I don't have to check them on in the Gallery menu anyway. That's why I have to attach the nested macros.


Anyway, when I change all dependencies to relative, these nested macros are not showing that they have relative paths. I cannot get that to work, try as I might. That makes this problematic for version control. How can I attach macros using relative dependencies?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Your idea and feedback is appreciated!


Our product team is constantly striving to make our products better, and the user feedback we received is critical in that mission. We recommend checking out our Submission Guidelines as they go into greater depth on the criteria needed for an idea to reach product as well as go over the boards in general. Make sure to also check out other user’s ideas!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes