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Anaplan Connector for Alteryx

I noticed that Tableau has a new connector to Anaplan in the upcoming release. 


Does Alteryx have any plans to create an Anaplan connector? 

7 - Meteor

I like to see the same connector made available.  I did see they have a curl rest api option. So I have some project with Jira and curl rest api working and will see if I can get Anaplan to work in a few weeks after the Tableau conference.

5 - Atom

We recently finalized our Anaplan Connector for Alteryx and it is being used with a couple of our customers as a beta test.  If you want more info, email me directly at  We are really excited about being able to blend multiple Anaplan models together with external data for better reporting.  The use case is there.  Now there is a connector to support it!  Next up... predictive models pushing back to Anaplan as first pass forecast!

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Just to build off of Brad's post here: The connector is live and is being used by many of our clients now :)


You can request a trial here:!app/Anaplan-Connector/59d3a094effc2a0af0ec6ae3


I recorded a webinar with Alteryx around the connector:


Any questions please contact us! Joshua Burkhow ( or Brad Jackson (

6 - Meteoroid

Clicking the link went to a dead page? 


Any idea where to download now?Receiving an error when trying to download in the App gallery that it's currently being accessed by someone else. 

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

 Looks like an update to the site might be the issue? @LeahK something you can help with?

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Something wierd going on.


If I hit those links from here then they both go to a page not found but if I do a search in the gallery for Anaplan it goes to the same URL and works. Same for the Webiner. If you google "achieving-deeper-insights-from-anaplan-with-alteryx-and-prokarma" it goes to that same exact page and works fine.....

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thanks for escalating! I investigated the issue, and updated the links. Clicking on both the links in @joshuaburkhow's comments above seems to direct to the appropriate resources.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Thanks @LeahK You rock ;)

6 - Meteoroid

@joshuaburkhow & @LeahK still running into issues with being able to download the connector.  Here is the error message:


"Error creating the file " Z:\Service\Staging\3912_556482f338814c7a88c5f960009d1721\_externals\1\test.csv ": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (Tool Id: 2)"

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus
Send me an email at and we can troubleshoot further ;)

Joshua Burkhow