Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Alteryx limited capability to work with Teradata database


Teradata is a high performance database system.  It is highly sensitive to indexes and balancing the records across each index segment.

Teradata uses Spool to perform queries on the database.  It is also very sensitive to type of table (volatile, temp, permanent) created.



Alteryx "In - Database" nodes are not providing the ability to configure them to Teradata needs.

As a result, when executing workflows with "In - Database" nodes there is high probability of "out of spool" error specially when working on medium size data base (between 250 million to 1 billion records).



Question mark on the ability of Alteryx to handle medium to large databases.

Knime and SSIS are currently preferred to Alteryx


Action Requested

Please change the configuration of the "In - Database" nodes to allow fine tuning of the node behaviour.



1 Comment
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes