Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Allow users to map a Gallery collection of macros to their macro folders in Designer.

If an organisation wants many Designer users to have the same macros available to them, they have to set up their own network drive to save the macros to and share that drive to all users and ensure each user has read access to it and then maps that drive to their macros. 


Instead of relying on this shared drive architecture, macro builders should be able to publish their macros to a collection in Gallery and then end users should be able to map that collection to their Macros in Designer.

It would keep the sharing of macros within the Alteryx platform and make sharing macros much more intuitive and frictionless.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
9 - Comet

Not entirely sure how to vote, but YES! YES!  I was totally surprised when I learned that I could not save macros to a Gallery where they would be found and used.  The network directory solution seems kludgy, at best.

Mark Chappell