Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Allow caching of multiple tools at the same time

Some of the workflows I use have multiple inputs that can take a long time to initially load. The new cache function itself has been amazing, but there is one big drawback for me: I can't cache multiple tools at the same time.  Alteryx will allow me to eventually cache all of the tools I want cached, but it will take multiple times running the file.  This still saves me time in the end, but it feels a bit cumbersome to set up.

5 - Atom

I ask for the same request than spblackshaw, restore the previous versions ability to cache each individual data set. I used to set it as default for all my workflows, so if the process crashed somewhere I saved quite a lot of time by having the other data sets already cached

Another advantage of data set cache is that I can analyze the data by using the yxdb file from Alteryx/Engine folder and rename the file if I needed it before was deleted when the workflow was closed


I work with data sets with over 100 million records coming from different databases and data lake too. Usually write sql queries to do the initial extract and then manipulate it in the workflow. Some workflows used to take 3 or 4 hours and since all data was cached, I could fix anything without going to the source servers again, that was the beauty of Alteryx! , at least for me. Unfortunately, today it takes me even 2 days to run existing workflows, running the workflow several times, stopping it when each data set is cached.


I badly need this functionality restored. As Jeff_Reynolds mentioned, I have been thinking in going back to previous version or even moving to other software

7 - Meteor

Thanks for the confirmation that this will be addressed in a future release Rachel. That is great news!

7 - Meteor

 I work in DB2 and pull data from multiple environments and tables. Caching at the input source is an invaluable time saver for our team. I have several workflows pulling historical data that can take 2 to 3 hours to run. Caching at the data input tool saves many hours of development time as a I work through what I need in the various queries. Please add back the ability to cache at the data input. I really like the cache and run, but for initial development, it is not as helpful as I had hoped.


Tried to star but couldn't. Probably because status is under review.


2018.4 is super nice. Just a few tweaks please!

6 - Meteoroid

Agree complete with the Spblackshaw comment. We need the old option back to allow for daily workflow runs. Greatly slows down performance. 


This cache and saving option is more important than adhoc cache for myself.

5 - Atom

Agree on the fact that "Cache data" be added back to input tools.

This is such a pain to troubleshoot workflows now!

13 - Pulsar

Oh yeah!


The ability to cache multiple tools at once will be available in the 2019.1 release.

7 - Meteor

That's great news, thanks JPoz! What's the eta on the 219.1 Beta version?

6 - Meteoroid

JPoz - ability to cache multiple will be a nice improvement.


Please also understand the difference in selecting cache as an adhoc option versus saved in a workflow. Adhoc adds a lot of duplicate work when modifying workflows in multiple locations as you build the workflow and improve it....especially each day.


@spblackshaw I do not know offhand the beta schedule.


@Tim_Lang I agree, that is a feature I would look to see in the future!