Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Add option to scheduler to schedule bi-weekly workflows.

We need an option to schedule a continuous bi-weekly payroll workflow. It is every two weeks starting on a certain day of a week. Some months have 3 and other have 2. If we had an option to select the starting day in a particular month and then select bi-weekly bullet (or every 2 weeks) from that date it would be perfect. thanks

14 - Magnetar

Adding on to this, being able to specify a number of days between each run would be really helpful.  We have some processes which run on a 30 day period, and currently that has to be manually scheduled for each run if we use the Alteryx Scheduler.

For a bi-weekly run, you could set it to run every 14 days after a certain date, which would accomplish the same thing.

7 - Meteor

I guess technically it is possible to set the schedule to start on a certain date and then repeat every 336 hours (for bi-weekly 24 X 14). However this could be a problem when Daylight savings time starts/ends. I'm going to do this for now but i think the start on a date and repeat every N number of days or biweekly would be a better approach if it can be added.

5 - Atom

The maximum hours you can enter in a schedule is 99. An option for interval would be very beneficial. We have a use-case for our bi-weekly pay periods.

8 - Asteroid

adding a vote in the affirmative...The function would be useful for our bi-weekly pay cycles as well.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes