Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Add encryption options to the Salesforce Input Tool v4.1

The standard Input tool has Password Encryption features as

Hide (Default)

Encrypt for User

Encrypt for Machine


However the Salesforce Input Tool v4.1 does not have similar user selectable password encryption features. As a result, while the tool runs on the desktop, it fails while pushing to the server since it was not encrypted on the server.


The file line 71 has this command

      self.password = self.alteryx_engine.decrypt_password(self.password)

From what I understand this can be enhanced to below

self.password = self.alteryx_engine.decrypt_password(self.password, option)

Option values:

0: Decrypt.

2: Machine encryption

3: User encryption

Similar logic can also be applied during encryption


This would make the Salesforce Input tool inline with the Password encryption features available in the Input tool

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes