Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Add IN-DB Append field

Please add an append fields component to the IN-Database components.  And also allow the adding of fields to the in-db formula component.  It seems to be really difficult to add a field into the data stream when using IN-DB components.  Would be good to resolve this and try to make the IN-DB components consistent with the standard ones.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I like the idea of having an append field value as well.


With regards to the formula, you can use it to create a new field if that is what you are looking for?


You just enter the name you wish it to be called and then the expression.

9 - Comet

Aha just seen that!  Works differently to the standard formula component, i.e. add new field on the drop down, which is why it threw me.  Thanks for that.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Yeah, the standard formula tool recently had the UI updated and the Formula In-DB is yet to come which is the reason for the difference.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus



I've recently created an 'Append In-DB' macro which is now available in the gallery:!app/Append-In-DB/5ab3a06f826fd310ecda0b47


It's relatively straight to set up if you think about it.


The purpose of the append tool is to take two data streams and throw out all combinations of the values. So by simply created a field within each datastream with the value 'JOIN' and then joining on this field we get exactly this.



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
8 - Asteroid

Tool exists in In-DB toolbox. Shouldn't this status change?


But the Help does not work, it links to this page:

13 - Pulsar