Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Add DateTime type with milliseconds

I work with data where milliseconds is my saviour when I count distinct the datetime to get number of events. Alteryx ignores the millisecond part (as lots of other BI tool providers - I don't know what is going on with this idea that milliseconds are not needed). Yes I can convert it to string but it's not the best practice to create duplicate fields just so that I have date part for date-related calculation (plotting, time difference) and on the other hand string value for quick and easy counting..

5 - Atom

HI @Ned.   Any updates as to if this has made the release roadmap?  This is important to us as well.





7 - Meteor

Yes! I need this too. I am pulling data from a DB2 database via SQL and when I bring in the timestamps, they are not formatted correctly (which are needed downstream in the process). I tried to use cast varchar but that doesn't seem to work for DB2, so if anyone has any idea how to do it with DB2 I'd sure appreciate it (and would be lovely if this could just work in Alteryx to let us have our milliseconds!)

7 - Meteor

Being able to retain the format of data is crucial. I'm in favor of being able to work with milliseconds in Alteryx.

5 - Atom

Please add milliseconds to DateTime data types.   Without milliseconds, I obtain duplicates due to some of my keys being DateTime fields.

6 - Meteoroid

We pull data from databases a lot where the milliseconds value is of great importance.  Being able to natively retrieve this data without a major work around is very important to us.  We would look forward to having a feature that will easily allow this.


for us we use a standard format but an example of this for us is:


5 - Atom

My company needs the milliseconds!

5 - Atom

I understand the implications for the generating it inside of Alteryx, but it should not be stripped from the RAW data as many processes on having the millisecond included. We would appreciate support for this.  

I just finished a macro to upload data into ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS. They only accept time as milliseconds from Unix Epoch date. Until we have milliseconds, this macro will not work with dates.
10 - Fireball

I would vote for this.  Millisecond level timestamps are important in trading to establish the relative order of trades.  It is not the value itself that matters, it is the time relative to other actions.  Also, if you are adding formats, ticks would be useful, as this might give us the maximum possible time granularity.

8 - Asteroid

Any updates coming to provide this in 2019 version? This is critical item for us now specially in the Finance and Trading processes and we really want to avoid building anything outside Alteryx just because of the millisecond missing.