Alteryx Connect Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Connect experts.
Have you ever wondered what are the limits of Connect? How many entries can you store in Connect? Great questions!  In fact, no hard limit on the number of entries is set. The number around 2M entries is the number on which the performance tuning in the 2019.1 release was done.
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This tutorial contains information about Custom Fields. You will learn how to create, assign, and configure a Custom Field in the Connect data catalog.
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Information about used APIs is now available in Connect since version 19.4. The information is extracted from workflows’ log and cataloged.
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This guide will walk you through how to login to the Connect API and download Connect entries in JSON format. Attached to this guide is a macro you can use to download all entries listed in an input file.
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Error on Alteryx Connect - Kerberos authentication is not supported on the Gallery Server
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This article provides instructions for adding an issued SSL certificate to the web page hosted by Alteryx Connect so that the page is served securely.\n  \n Note: This article is intended for trusted certificates in your environment. You must have a copy of the certificate (such as .crt) and the signing key (such as .key), or a combined certificate file (such as .pfx or .p12) in order to complete this process. This certificate must be installed on all machines you intend to use with Connect as a trusted certificate if these machines are to be used in conjunction with Alteryx Connect, such as loading metadata with Alteryx Designer or search results from Alteryx Connect displayed within Alteryx Designer.
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This article is intended to assist with inserting a certificate to be used to validate a SAML signature from a SAML Identity Provider (IDP) when used with Alteryx Connect. This article will only be needed if your IDP is signing assertions or other traffic with a specific cert that may be self-signed or not trusted by a widely trusted Certificate Authority (CA).
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Alteryx Connect has the ability to interface with a number of identity providers that support the SAML 2.0 standard, and recently we stood up an ADFS test server and set it up with Alteryx Connect successfully. The following information will assist with configuring Alteryx Connect to be functional with ADFS.
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How To: Add Web Connection Certificate to Alteryx Connect Keystore
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The purpose of this article is to describe the steps how to deploy Connect on the MS SQL database.
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After ensuring you’ve downloaded the latest Connect Metadata loaders from the live downloads page, simply proceed with the steps below to upload Amazon Redshift datasource metadata to your Alteryx Connect instance!
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Please see Maintaining Data Lineage for details and requirements before your metadata harvest. After ensuring you’ve downloaded the latest Connect Metadata loaders from the live downloads page, simply proceed with the steps below to upload MySQL Database metadata to your Alteryx Connect instance!
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When trying to reach the H2 database from another computer, the DSN test fails.
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Alteryx Connect is great at finding data assets that exists within enterprises which helps data workers to shorten their journey to data-driven insight. One of the steps to refresh the metadata is to schedule the Metadata loaders. In this process, the data assets can be created, changed or removed. To take a look at this change log, we can take a look the backend of Connect - the H2 database.
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Welcome to Alteryx Connect a state-of-the-art Data Catalog with a social twist.
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In this article, you will learn how to use and configure the metadata loaders in Connect. Until now, you probably have used the metadata loaders only from Designer, as described here.
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We're constantly working to improve your Connect experience. Find out what new features, improvements, and bug fixes we released with this version of Connect! Here is a summary of what has changed in 2019.4.
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Find out what new features, improvements, and bug fixes we released with this version of Connect! Here is an overview of the changes in 2019.3.\n  
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We’ve been working hard to follow up on our customers’ feedback and make a bunch of enhancements to Connect. Here’s an overview of the changes in 2019.2.\n  
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The 2019.1 release of Alteryx Connect brings several new features including new configuration options and loaders enhancements - see more inside.
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There are some common issues that may arise in the harvesting of metadata and it’s our hope that this guide will help you diagnose them with ease!
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