Alteryx Connect Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Connect experts.
There are three authentication options in Alteryx Connect that an Administrator can configure for their environment: Manual auth, Windows AD auth, and SAML auth. Please note that Manual auth is always a fallback option, even if you’re using Windows or SAML, which is a notable departure from Gallery authentication, which does not allow mixed authentication modes.
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How To: Connect to the H2 Console   Connect has an interactive console for the H2 database that allows administrators to browse the database and execute commands. Follow the below steps to enable and connect to the console.   Prerequisites   Alteryx Connect   Procedure   Follow steps 1-6 under Enable access to the Connect database found on the Review Connect Usage Information Help page Navigate to http://localhost:8082 on the Connect Server If you have the firewall open, you can access this from another machine using the IP or the hostname in place of localhost (i.e. http://hostname:8082) Fill in the JDBC URL and the Password   For the JDBC URL, enter the value for the Master DB JDBC string found in the System Info section of the Connect Administration Console The database password is set by the Connect Administrator during installation. Your Administrator can reset the password in the Connect Console under Connect Configuration > H2 Password Click the Test Connection button You should see 'Test Successful'. If not, please double-check your connection information above Click the Connect button to enter the H2 Console A successful connection will show the console with the below schema (shows as folders on the left)   Common Issues   I don't see the STD_XFORMS database schema You have an invalid JDBC connection string - please confirm your JDBC URL found in the System Info section of the Administration Console    Additional Resources   Back Up and Restore Connect Database via Command Line
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Newly Created Users Encountered Error on Login in Connect   Users are not able to log in and encounter the following error:   The Alteryx Connect License is invalid. Contact Alteryx Support for assistance.   Environment   Product - Connect version: 2019.1   Diagnosis   Checking the log in the Administration Console indicates a wrong license has been used.  Please note: The Connect Administrator account will always be able to log in to Connect.  You can also find the logs written locally on the server at %ConnectInstallPath%\logs\Catalina.out           04:31:51.971 [http-nio-8080-exec-2] ERROR cz.semanta.xf3.license.License - This system has 4 physical cores, but the license only allows 2 04:31:51.971 [http-nio-8080-exec-2] ERROR c.s.x.s.Xf3AuthenticationProvider - Failed to login user The Alteryx Connect license is invalid. Contact Alteryx Support for assistance.           Cause   The error is due to using an invalid license on the Connect server.   Solution   This issue is resolved after obtaining and installing the correct license for the server.
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In order to schedule the Metadata loader, you will need to configure and save the .yxwv file, and configure the ConnectScheduler workflow to run from the directory of the .yxwv file. Detailed steps listed below:   1. Open the Metadata loader in Designer, in this example the Files loader, fill in the information for the "Files to load" and "Alteryx Connect" tabs       2. Click Save button to save the .yxwv file in the default File Loader location - C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\AlteryxConnect\Files_Loader 3. Click Help > Sample Workflow > Alteryx Connect Metadata Loaders > ConnectScheduler 4. Click on the Directory input tool, select the root directory where the yxwv file(s) is saved, for example C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\AlteryxConnect 5. For the File Specification, leave it as *.*     6. Saved locally text   Schedule the loader using Local machine    1. To Schedule using local computer, complete steps 1 - 5 from above  2. Click Option > Schedule Workflow > My computer  3. Select Run the workflow from its original location on disk       Note: When the scheduler runs, it will run every metadata loader with .yxwv file one by one. If you only need to have one of the loaders scheduled, you need to have the Metadata loader moved into a folder other than C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\AlteryxConnect   Schedule the loader using the Alteryx Gallery   Save the ConnectScheduler to Gallery for Scheduling. instructions can be found in under Configure and test the Connect Scheduler > Step 6.   Tip: When scheduling loaders on Alteryx Gallery, we recommend to copying the metadata loader and save the .yxwv files into a share drive to avoid the situation where the Alteryx Server machine is unable to access the end user's machine. See steps below:   Steps: 1. Create a Folder called AlteryxConnect in a Share Drive 2. Copy the loader folder, for example Files_Loader from C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\AlteryxConnect to the Share Drive's AlteryxConnect 3. Complete steps 1-2 from above but save the .yxwv file into the share drive under AlteryxConnect\Files_loader 4. Open ConnectScheduler from Help > Sample Workflow > Alteryx Connect Metadata Loaders  5. In the Directory Input tool, select the Path of AlteryxConnect in the Share Drive, make sure it is the UNC path 6. Save ConnectScheduler, and it is ready to be schedule         
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While attempting to add your Gallery (Alteryx Server) to your Connect instance you may get an error about related to your SSL certificate. This article provides step-by-step instructions for troubleshooting this issue.
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