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Publish to Tableau Server Connector - Allow Personal Access Token Authentication

I would like to see the Publish to Tableau Server tool updated to include the option of authenticating with a Personal Access Token in addition to Username/Password.  The user would be able to toggle the login method and provided the necessary credentials for that method.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

This would be great!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for submitting your idea to the Alteryx idea boards!


If you haven’t yet be sure to check out our updated Submission Guidelines as well as the other product idea boards! All boards are actively monitors and we appreciate all the feedback we receive for each product.

11 - Bolide



I agree with you and I did it in my own macro. It is quite an easy change to make : 

Status changed to: Accepted

Hi @mse139 ,


you are absolutely right. This option should be there for sure. Watch out for the new version, which will definitely contain this auth option.



8 - Asteroid

@VojtechT Awesome!

Status changed to: Implemented

Hi, there's a new tool Tableau Output which bring several new features for working with Tableau, including PAC. Currently only the Tableau Cloud is supported, but the On-Prem support should come in about 2 months. If you'd like to participate in an upcoming Beta testing of the new version (or any other connector), please sign-up using this link.

11 - Bolide

2021.3 was just released and still no support for Tableau Personal Access Tokens. Any idea when this will happen or is this one of those things that works great everywhere except outside of the lab?


Hi @TheCoffeeDude , the PAC support has been implemented into the new Tableau Output connector, which is different one from the former Publish to Tableau Server. This connector needs to be downloaded and installed separately. You can download it on this page by clicking the most recent version (v1.1.1).

11 - Bolide

Will the publish to tableau server tool be deprecated? Or will this Tableau Output connector become part of the standard toolset? Either way, this is going to change a lot of my user's way of doing things.