Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Filter in Browse for "not ok" records

It would be helpful to be able to filter within the results window of a Browse tool for all "Not OK" records (records with leading/trailing spaces, embedded newlines, etc.) I can already filter for null and empty values, but this would be helpful for cleaning up data. I want to see the "dirty" data before taking out leading/trailing spaces or embedded new lines to see if there is something I'm missing in the data that needs to be further parsed or modified.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for the feedback!


This is an interesting idea and our product teams appreciates the insight into what would be useful for the average user experience. If you haven't yet, please be sure to review our Submission Guidelines and like and comment on any ideas that would be beneficial to you as well!

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

I was thinking about this last week. The data profiling is great, but it would be even better if was easy to use the insights from the data profiling at the start of your workflow.

7 - Meteor

Just came searching for how to do this. Please develop!

5 - Atom

I am brand new to Alteryx, and I came here looking for this as well. Something as simple as giving the row #s that contain errors would help as well.

5 - Atom


6 - Meteoroid

Has there been any movement towards this enhancement?

5 - Atom

Hello, Is there a solution to this query yet? 

6 - Meteoroid

Would be awesome to have this function!!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
Status changed to: Accepted

Thanks for the idea, @phoebe_kelley ! We've added this to the accepted backlog and will let you know when it's coming soon 😁