Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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support for unsigned integers

Hi all,


Based on the thread here - there would be value in natively supporting the Unsigned Int data type in Alteryx.   

This idea was raised by @jgreene.


Note: this does appear to be directly supported in the core OCBC library (as long as it's supported by the ODBC driver for the specific database in question), so hopefully this won't be a huge lift:


@jgreene- would you mind adding any further information about the DBMS you are using which supports unsigned int, and any other info that may help the team to develop and test this (e.g. any link you can find to an available ODBC driver for this database etc?)


Thank you


8 - Asteroid

We're using MySQL and the 5.3.7 64-bit ODBC Driver for Windows available here:

6 - Meteoroid

Any movement on this native MySQL functionality?  I'm trying to use the Create New Table in an output so I can match the database I'm importing data from and cannot create the BIGINT UNSIGNED field type, due to unsigned not being supported.  Thanks.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes