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s3 upload tool - Optimizations

Hi currently the s3 upload tool only allows file format of *.yxdb , *.json, *.csv and *.avro


In order to optimize loading to redshift, it would be good to have a few more functions

1. Ability to s3 upload with *.gz format

eg: Reading in a file using the input tool -> s3 upload tool (which has a gzip function with the following options - record limit, delimiter, UTF8)

2. Change max record limit, delimiter, UTF8 format

3. Change the objectName to 'take file/table name from field' with filename containing filename or part of filename similar to the 'Output tool'




7 - Meteor

 I would love the idea to take the file name in the output... that'd be amazing.

8 - Asteroid

I have a need to store *.gz files in S3 using Alteryx as well. It would be awesome to be able to upload the compressed csv or json to save some bandwith and io. 


Best regards//Leif

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Hi All,


Thanks for the feedback. Please continue to star this and let us know which specific functionality you're looking for as there are several in this idea.




5 - Atom
Functionality to append to an existing table instead of only rewriting.
6 - Meteoroid

Ability to append an existing file that is stored in s3.