Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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As seen in This Discussion Post,  the idea here is to be able to add a link to example workflows in macro descriptions - like the ones seen in native tools.


Filter ToolFilter Tool

Many thanks to @jdunkerley79 for demonstrating how this can be done by manually editing the macro's XML - specifically by adding a child element to the <MetaInfo> section, like so:


        <Description>Open Example</Description>
        <File>\\aSERVER\aRootDir\path\to\Alteryx\Macros\Date Wizard\Date Wizard Examples.yxmd</File>

One small caveat is that it doesn't support truly relative paths.  @PaulN explained in the discussion post that a relative reference here would search in the sample folders.


"Alteryx default behavior is to look for examples under .\Alteryx\Samples\02 One-Tool Examples or Alteryx\Samples\02 One-Tool Examples (or .\Alteryx\Samples\en\02 One-Tool Examples)."


Having said that, trying to reference a macro example in the same folder (using a relative reference) will throw an error given the following situation:


Package Structure:

Macro Package.png

Date Wizard.yxmc XML edits:


        <Description>Open Example</Description>
        <!-- THIS WORKS -->
        <File>\\aSERVER\aRootDir\path\to\Alteryx\Macros\Date Wizard\Date Wizard Examples.yxmd</File>
        <!-- THIS DOESNT
        <File>Date Wizard Examples.yxmd</File>
        <File>.\Date Wizard Examples.yxmd</File>
        <File>./Date Wizard Examples.yxmd</File>

This shows a link in the Macro description but yields an error (shown below) when it is clicked.


Example Link ShowsExample Link ShowsErrorError

 Once again, this works fine with an absolute file path reference.  


Here is ultimately what I am suggesting:  Can we add an option to the Interface Designer (that updates the XML) and have it allow relative paths?  Allowing relative paths would obviously be essentially to maintaining the macro's ability to be "lift-and-shift" when packaged/moved/uploaded to servers/galleries etc.


I'm assuming the option could look something like this, similar to the "Help" file -only it would show link in the macro description...

Interface Designer SuggestionInterface Designer Suggestion

In conclusion, this would be very useful in providing links to example workflows for custom macros that may be complex and/or not self-explanatory.




Taylor Cox

We build some pretty robust maps with multiple connections and it would be great to copy the map tool and paste it with all of the connections when we want to tweak the map slightly but keep our original map.  It is a regular occurrence for us to have a very detailed map grouping by trade area name and then may want to have an overview map with all of the same connections but slightly different layout.  Tracking down the connections, reconnecting them and naming them accordingly takes a substantial amount of time even in the most organized of workflows.  This function would be a huge time-saver.  It would also be of value with joins and unions - anywhere you have multiple streams coming in.

Single point of maintenance for Salesforce Input tool connection to Salesforce


This prevents user maintenance every time their password (and token) changes which requires them to update every Tool with new credentials


Also logged as issue under Alteryx, Inc Case # 00252975: Connection to Salesforce Issue

When you use the Visual Query Builder, you can drag and drop tables to arrange them clearly (to show the star or snowflake schema, for instance). 


When you close the Visual Query Builder and reopen it, the tables are all left-aligned in a long column, with the joins overlapping each other. Since many of our tables are very wide (i.e., with many columns), this makes it cumbersome to locate the correct table and field.


I would like the manual positioning of the tables to be saved in the Visual Query Builder, to

  1. Make the logical arrangement clearer to the developer and later users
  2. Make it easier to locate tables/fields without scrolling downward

This is a feature that our users were very accoustomed to in Hyperion Intelligence, our legacy BI tool, which works similarly to the Visual Query Builder (shown below).


Hyperion Intelligence Model

Hi Alteryx User and Alteryx Dev team,


I saw there are number of posts from the community asking for solution to calculate the NetWorkDays (e.g. similar to the networkdays in excel which to calculate the number of days different between the two days excluding weekend and holidays.)


Although we could build a macro for it, the performance is not ideal, especially when the data set is huge and/or the date range required is far apart from each other because there is currently NO a build-in function in Alteryx.  Alteryx will have to expand the date range by date and check whether each is a weekend or holiday.   It will an excellent idea if a build-in function for Networkdays could be built to minimize this hassle from everyone around the world. 


We are looking forward this idea could be take forward.




In other data programs like access or Toad you can put conditions on a join. You can choose if something is greater than, less than, left join, right join, etc.
But with Alteryx you are only allowed to join a perfect match. It would be really great if you could add that functionality into 9.0

I'd like to hold CTRL, click on a tool and drag it to somewhere else on the canvas to copy it. 


This is functionality common in other software (e.g. Tableau, MS Office). 


Currently I have to either:

right click > Copy, right click > Paste, or

Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V. 



I dont know if it is asking too much, but here it is 😅


A lot of times when i develop Analytic Apps for business users, they ask me if they can run the app locally without Alteryx Designer installed. For business users it seems to make sense that the developer need to have Alteryx Designer licensed and installed, but also that after the app is developed, it would make sense and be great to be able to be able to run it without Alteryx Designer installed. And i agree with them!


I know that using the Server is the way to go in these situations, but not every company has this possibility. So, the idea is to have some non paid way to let business users from a company that already have Alteryx Designer licenses to be able to run just Analytic Apps locally, without Alteryx Designer installed on their local machines/and if the company does not have Alteryx Server yet.


Here are some previous discussions corroborating with this doubt/necessity:



As each version of Alteryx is rolled out, it would be much easier for our users and admin team to validate the new version, if Alteryx allowed parallel installs of many different versions of the software.


So - our team is currently on 11.3 - if we could roll out 11.5 in parallel then we could very easily allow users to revert to 11.3 if there are issues, or else remove 11.3 after 2-3 weeks if no issues.

The same goes for versions which are in BETA.


This would be a huge help!


cc: @avinashbonu ; @Deeksha ; @revathi

Enable files as inputs to Alteryx that have been protected with either Azure Information Protection (AIP) or Microsoft Information Protection (MIP)


From: Alteryx Support <>
Sent: 04 February 2022 22:43
Cc: Sundaramoorthy, Nishanth-XT <>;; Bignell, Nicholas <>;; Jaganathan, Prasanth-Ram <>
Subject: [External] Case #00528349 - Fw: Azure Information Protection (AIP) or Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) [ ref:_00DE0JJZ4._5002R1On7Ru:ref ]


Hi Candice,

Thanks for reaching out. At this juncture, formal validation of data sources with AIP or MIP applied has not been conducted. Coincidentally, earlier this week, another user submitted an inquiry pertaining to Sensitivity Labels of MIP. They had observed that files with their organization's "Confidential" label applied were unable to be input within workflows.

Similar to password protected or encrypted files, Sensitivity Labels (and other AIP/MIP implementations) may be configured in a manner that prevents drivers (e.g. Excel) of Designer from reading the file. For any incompatibility that's observed within data sources with AIP or MIP applied, it's recommend to submit an Idea as to the Designer application supporting the scope of these implementations. Our Product and Engineering Teams actively monitor Ideas to help ensure we're delivering the best product experience to our users.

Thanks for writing in.


Sr. Customer Support Engineer | Alteryx

You may be selected to participate in a short feedback survey. Any comments regarding your experience will help to ensure we're delivering the best support. Thanks!

--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: Candice D'Arcy-Bryant []
Sent: 2/4/2022 1:59 AM
Subject: Fw: Azure Information Protection (AIP) or Microsoft Information Protection (MIP)

Hi Support,


Please could you provide the options we have for files protected with either Azure Information Protection (AIP) or Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) to be used as inputs to Alteryx?



Please let us know if you require additional information.


Many thanks,


Candice D’Arcy-Bryant  

Strategic Customer Success Manager | +44 (0) 7872 959 067 

ca? |



Upcoming Out of Office:

February 07-11, 21-25



Alteryx UK Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 08806138.  Its registered office is located at 5 New Street Square, London EC4A3TW.  


This email and any files transmitted are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information.  Any unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited.  If you have received this email in error and are not an intended recipient, please contact the sender and remove it from your system.




From: Bignell, Nicholas <>
Sent: 03 February 2022 10:15
To: Candice D'Arcy-Bryant <>
Cc: Sundaramoorthy, Nishanth-XT <>; Jaganathan, Prasanth-Ram <>; Craig Higgins <>
Subject: RE: Azure Information Protection (AIP) or Microsoft Information Protection (MIP)


Hi Candice.


Seems there is an internal programme to implement this.


I have been contacted by three teams so far in the IB,  IB FX trading and IB Operations and IB Risk management.



In terms of potential impact it could be bank wide, but seems to be starting with the IB since November last year.


The program site (called DRM internally) states:


The Digital Rights Management (DRM) solution helps us manage data more effectively by putting a 'digital lock' on highly sensitive files. This means that even when a file is lost by accident, the external person who finds it cannot access its contents. These DRM classified and protected files can still be accessed and edited internally by UBS employees.

After a file has been classified according to its level of sensitivity DRM will automatically encrypt files if they are classified as 'confidential' or 'strictly confidential'. The classification and protection of a file can be set manually, or is automatically set for downloads of reports from applications that contain sensitive information or for users that have access to CID from specific applications (see details in the DRM guideline).

DRM is available globally in UBS.


Thanks Nick


From: Candice D'Arcy-Bryant <>
Sent: 03 February 2022 09:32
To: Bignell, Nicholas <>
Cc: Sundaramoorthy, Nishanth-XT <>; Jaganathan, Prasanth-Ram <>; Craig Higgins <>
Subject: [External] Re: Azure Information Protection (AIP) or Microsoft Information Protection (MIP)


Hi Nick,


Yes, I'm enquiring internally and will get back to you as soon as I have some information.


In the meantime, it would be good to understand:

  • Who is impacted by this issue?
  • What the impact is?
  • Where in the business this is being felt the most?
  • How many users / workflows are affected by this?
  • When did this first start to affect users / workflows?

Many thanks,


Candice D’Arcy-Bryant  

Strategic Customer Success Manager | +44 (0) 7872 959 067 

ca? |


Upcoming Out of Office:

February 07-11, 21-25



Alteryx UK Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 08806138.  Its registered office is located at 5 New Street Square, London EC4A3TW.  


This email and any files transmitted are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information.  Any unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited.  If you have received this email in error and are not an intended recipient, please contact the sender and remove it from your system.



From: Bignell, Nicholas <>
Sent: 03 February 2022 08:48
To: Candice D'Arcy-Bryant <>
Cc: Sundaramoorthy, Nishanth-XT <>; Jaganathan, Prasanth-Ram <>
Subject: Azure Information Protection (AIP) or Microsoft Information Protection (MIP)


Hi Candice


Can you investigate what options we have for users that want use files as inputs to Alteryx that have been protected with either Azure Information Protection (AIP) or Microsoft Information Protection (MIP)


Thanks Nick




The wording of the tool tip displayed in results window cells with long strings is misleading.  The current wording is "This cell has truncated characters".   




New users tend to infer that this means that the data value has been truncated somewhere upstream.  See here, here and here.   Changing this message to something like "Only a portion of long strings is displayed" will help reduce the confusion immensely.



when you render out to an excel file, the excel file is created as a new file.  You cannot render to an existing excel file.

I'd like to see this functionality.  I have a client who has a workbook with multiple formatted sheets and they'd like to render an addiitional sheet of formatted data out from Alteryx into the existing workbook.

It would be helpful to be able to filter within the results window of a Browse tool for all "Not OK" records (records with leading/trailing spaces, embedded newlines, etc.) I can already filter for null and empty values, but this would be helpful for cleaning up data. I want to see the "dirty" data before taking out leading/trailing spaces or embedded new lines to see if there is something I'm missing in the data that needs to be further parsed or modified.

This has probably been mentioned before, but in case it hasn't....


Right now, if the dynamic input tool skips a file (which it often does!) it just appears as a warning and continues processing. Whilst this is still useful to continue processing, could it be built as an option in the tool to select a 'error if files are skipped'? 


Right now it is either easy to miss this is happening, or in production / on server you may want this process to be stopped.







When writing an expression in a Formula tool, I love that you can just type an open bracket and suggestions pop up that allow you to auto-fill the rest of the variable name. What I find frustrating, however, is that once you type the open bracket, the highlighted field automatically moves to the one where your mouse is pointing, regardless of if you have moved your mouse or not. I think it makes more sense to always highlight the first field in the list and only take mouse position into account once it has actually moved.


It is hard to describe in just a picture as opposed to a video but essentially I had my mouse below where I was typing in the screenshot below then when I typed the open bracket, the 3rd field listed automatically got selected even though I never moved my mouse.




Cc: @Hollingsworth 

Currently when creating a table in Oracle in Alteryx there is a lot of "magic" that happens under the hood in converting Alteryx data types to Oracle data types.

For example fixed decimal creates NUMBER, String created CHAR and V_String created VARCHAR.

It would be great to have an option to review the Oracle data types in the Output Data Tool when writing to Oracle. This would improve efficiency when using Alteryx to create Oracle tables. 

See picture for example of what would display in output configuration. 

Data type idea.png

I think it would be nice to be able to more easily reorder fields that you're joining by in the Join tool.




For example, I have already joined by CASS_Address and CASS_City. After I did this, I realized I wanted to go back and join on Name, too, and I want that to be first. How the tool is configured now, if I want Name to be first, I must redo all of the drop downs. I would like to be able to add Name to the next set of open drop downs then use some arrow buttons to be able to move them up in the order (similar to the Summarize tool).

With an increasing number of different projects, involving different machine learning models, it's becoming difficult to manage different package versions across workflows. Currently, the Python tool has a single virtual environment, so we need to develop models in different projects always using the same Python and package versions as the Python tool venv. While this doesn't bother the code itself too much, it becomes a problem as soon as we store and load pickled models, which are sensitive to even minor changes in packages.


This is even more so a problem when we are working on the Alteryx server, where different teams might use different packages. Currently, there is only the server admin who can install packages on the server and there can only be one version per package.


So, a more robust venv management in the Python tool would be much appreciated!



The current way to label or annotate a tool is that we need to double click the tool to bring up configuration window, then click on the annotation icon, then click on the annotation textbox.


My suggestion is when a tool is selected, simply press the Enter/Return key, then start typing the annotation right there (inline editing). Save a couple of clicks.





My issue is very easy to solve. I want to use the generic ODBC In database for a specific base (monetdb here but it isn't important).




The connexion works just fine. However, I cannot create table because the data types are changed and does not even exist. Here is my data with some Date type :





And here the error in my data stream in give me this very interesting message  :


Error: Entrée du flux de données (2): Erreur lors de la création de la table "formation.temp1" : [MonetDB][ODBC Driver 11.31.11]Type (datetime) unknown in: "create  table "formation"."temp1" ("AccountNumber" varchar(255),"BillToAddressID"
syntax error, unexpected IDENT in: ""Freight""

CREATE  TABLE "formation"."temp1" ("AccountNumber" varchar(255),"BillToAddressID" float,"BusinessEntityID" float,"Comment
" float,"CreditCardApprovalCode" varchar(255),"CreditCardID" float,"CurrencyRateID" float,"CustomerID" float,"DueDate" datetime,"Freight" real,"OnlineOrderFlag" float,"OrderDate" datetime,"OrderDate_Month" varchar(255),"OrderDate_Year" float,"PurchaseOrderNumber" varchar(255),"RevisionNumber" float,"SalesOrderID" float,"SalesOrderNumber" varchar(255),"ShipDate" datetime,"ShipMethodID" float,"ShipToAddressID" float,"Status" float,"SubTotal" float,"TaxAmt" float,"TotalDue" float)



1/ My field is a date, why do you want to convert it in Datetime??

2/ Datetime is not even a usual field type in sql database (at least not supported by monetdb, vertica, postgresql, oracle, etc, etc...)... it should obviously be timestamp


Currently, this non-specific in database ODBC connexion cannot be used at all!


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