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Submission GuidelinesHello,
After used the new "Image Recognition Tool" a few days, I think you could improve it :
> by adding the dimensional constraints in front of each of the pre-trained models,
> by adding a true tool to divide the training data correctly (in order to have an equivalent number of images for each of the labels)
> at least, allow the tool to use black & white images (I wanted to test it on the MNIST, but the tool tells me that it necessarily needs RGB images) ?
Question : do you in the future allow the user to choose between CPU or GPU usage ?
In any case, thank you again for this new tool, it is certainly perfectible, but very simple to use, and I sincerely think that it will allow a greater number of people to understand the many use cases made possible thanks to image recognition.
Thank you again
Kévin VANCAPPEL (France ;-))
Thank you again.
I decided to get real fancy when building a standard macro the other day. I checked the box on my macro input that made the connection optional:
It worked really well. My macro then became more complex, so I changed it to a batch macro. To my great surpise/astonishment/shock, the optional incoming connection is no longer optional:
The standard macro is working as expected on the left, but the batch macro is producing an error because my optional connection is requiring that something be connected to it.
I've been told that the code to make it optional is not there for batch macros and that this would be a product feature/improvement.
Hello All,
As of today, Alteryx can use the proxy settings set in Windows Network and Internet Settings "Server pulls the proxy settings displayed in Engine > Proxy from the Windows internet settings for the user logged into the machine. If there are no proxy settings for the user logged into the machine, Engine > Proxy isn't available within the System Settings menu.". Then, you can override the credentials (but not the adress) in system settings but also in user settings.
The issue : in many organizations, there are several proxies that you can use for different use case. And by default, it can happen access to API are blocked by these proxies. The user, which is not admin cannot change his Windows Settings... and even if it's done by IT, it will impact all the system, including other software and leading to safety failures.
What I suggest :
-ability to change credentials AND adress
-a multi-level settings for both credentials and adress:
default : Windows Settings
System Settings
User Settings
Workflow Settings
Download tool/ Settings
Best Regards,
The canvas has 3 options as demonstrated by exhibit A:
The user settings can change 2 of the 3 defaults as demonstrated in exhibit B. The layout default and connection settings progress can both be defaulted for all new workflows:
Thus, I would propose that a user setting be added to the annotation box so that I can set the default to hide.
Mic Drop
As of today, the in db connexion window is divided into :
-write tab
-read tab
However, writing means two different thing : inserting and in-db writing. Alteryx has already 2 different tools (Data Stream In and Write Data).
Si what I propose is to divide the window into :
Best regards,
Please add a configuration to the RedShift bulk load to EITHER use access keys or an IAM EC2 role for access.
We should not have to specify access keys when we are in an IAM enabled environment.
In order to debug a call to a REST API - it is often necessary to take the web call, and pop this into a web browser. Can you add a second output to a RestAPI tool (a derivative of the Download tool) that has a second output that provides the full web call that was made, including the full parameterised URL. This would make it MUCH easier to debug rest API calls.
cc: @TashaA
Similar to this idea
except my preference would be to pull Rest API calls into a more specific tool and give a second output for the responses
See the discussion on this page:
Roughly, in all versions of Alteryx Designer, you can use the Annotations tab and rename a tool. This is awesome for execution in designer, because you can then easily search for certain tool names, better document your workflow, and see the custom tool name in the Workflow Results.
However, when log files are generated, either via email, the AlteryxGallery settings, or an AlteryxEngineCMD command, each tool is recorded using only its default name of "ToolId Toolnumber", which is not particularly descriptive and makes these log files harder to parse in the case of an error.
Having the custom names show in these log files would go a long way towards improving log readability for enterprise systems, and would be an amazing feature add/fix. For users who prefer that the default format be shown, this could be considered as a request to ADD renames in addition to the existing format. EG "Input Data 1" that I have renamed to "Load business Excel File" could be shown in the log as:
00:00:0.003 - ToolId 1 - Load business Excel File: 1 record was read from File Finished in 00:00:0.004
If the tables in the config window has lots of rows, it is quite complicated to find those of interest.
Please add a filter or search option (e.g. by the field name) to display only the relevant rows.
It would also be helpful to select or deselect multiple selected rows with one click.
Find an example from the "Select-Tool":
Where it stands now, only a file input tool can be used to pull data from Google BigQuery tables. The issue here is that the data is streamed and processed locally, meaning the power of BigQuery processing isn't actually being leveraged.
Adding BigQuery In-Database as a connection option would appeal to a wide audience. BigQuery is also standard SQL compliant with the SQL 2011 standard, so this may make for an even easier integration.
Hello all,
DuckDB is a new project of embeddable database by the team behind MonetDB. From what I understand, it's like a SQLite database but for analytics (columnar-vectorized query execution engine on a single file). And of course it's open-source and free.
More info on their website :
Best regards,
When working in a large workflow wireless connections help to make it easier to work with. However sometimes you want to be able to see all your connections (when debugging).
I'd like to see a toggle (button on the toolbar) which would display all the connections including wireless. Ideally the wireless connections would be a different color. You could then click the button again to make the the wireless connections invisible.
The existing options to display are limited as you have to click on individual tools to see the connections.
all too often, we build an alteryx flow just to realise that step 8 out of 10 was wrong -so back to the beginning and rerun the entire thing. this often is tedious if your work requires a big data set.
So there is a workaround, using the Cache Macro which can be downloaded (but this does require quite a bit of fiddling with containers; disabling items; setting flags; etc) - but it would be good to allow the user to "restart from here" like you can with a powerpoint slide deck. I appreciate that this may be tricky since Alteryx may be flushing data out of memory as it goes along, so it cannot restart from any arbitrary point - but if we put the workflow into a "testing cached mode" to cache data at each step; or allowed users to set particular controls as a breakpoint and cache at these points, that would help immensely.
Thank you
Today, the behaviour of batch macro can be strange.
If I refer to
we can have big behaviour differences between :
-wf and app
-designer and scheduler
Example here with a batch macro running for all lines in designer and only for line in scheduler
Designer works fine
Scheduler only runs the first line!!
I know the turnaroud (just use a message box) but it's not natural and I think
-at least the same behaviour is needed in any use case
-if you want to do some optimization, ok, but make it an option!!
Presently when mapping an Excel file to an input tool the tool only recognizes sheets it does not recognize named tables (ranges) as possible inputs. When using PowerBI to read Excel inputs I can select either sheets or named ranges as input. Alteryx input tool should do the same.
Hello Alteryx Devs -
When I got to write some scripting in the formula tool, my data stream properties should be the first to be suggested once a user starts typing a letter, not the last.
uppercase(Ad -> gives me:
I think we would need a dedicated R macro to ascertain the chances anyone in is going to need [ReadRegistryString] before they need a column of their own data that starts with [Ad...]
Easy fix. Makes a big difference.
Hello all,
As of today, you must set which database (e.g. : Snowflake, Vertica...) you connect to in your in db connection alias. This is fine but I think we should be able to also define the version, the release of the database. There are a lot of new features in database that Alteryx could use, improving User Experience, performance and security. (e.g. : in Hive 3.0, there is a catalog that could be used in Visual Query Builder instead of querying slowly each schema)
I think of a menu with the following choices :
-default (legacy) and precision of the Alteryx default version for the db
-autodetect (with a query launched every time you run the workflow when it's possible). if upper than last supported version, warning message and run with the last supported version settings.
-manual setting a release (to avoid to launch the version query every time). The choices would be every supported alteryx version.
Best regards,
Currently it's possible to use the Output tool to output to either a sheet, a place in a sheet or a named range in Excel, but it is not possible to output to a preformatted excel table - it would be really good if the output tool had an option to output to [Table1] in an Excel workbook for example. This enhancement would be incredibly helpful for reporting purposes.
Hi there,
Adam ( @AdamR_AYX ), Mark ( @MarqueeCrew) and many others have done a great job in putting together super helpful add-in macros in the CREW pack - and James ( @jdunkerley79 ) has really done an incredible job of filling in some gaps in a very useful way in the formula tools.
Would be possible to include a subset of these in the core product as part of the next release?
I'm thinking of (but others will chime in here to vote for their favourite):
- Unique only tool (CReW)
- Field Sort (CReW)
- Wildcard XLSX input (CReW) - this would eliminate a whole category of user queries on the discussion boards
- Runner (CReW - although this may have issues with licensing since many people don't have command line permission - Alteryx does really need the ability to do chained dependancy flows in a more smooth way.
- Date Utils (JDunkerly) - all of James's Date utils - again, these would immediately solve many of the support questions asked on the discussion forum
I think that these would really add richness & functionality to the core product, and at the same time get ahead of many of the more common queries raised by users. I guess the only question is whether the authors would have any objection?
Thank you