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Submission GuidelinesHello,
After used the new "Image Recognition Tool" a few days, I think you could improve it :
> by adding the dimensional constraints in front of each of the pre-trained models,
> by adding a true tool to divide the training data correctly (in order to have an equivalent number of images for each of the labels)
> at least, allow the tool to use black & white images (I wanted to test it on the MNIST, but the tool tells me that it necessarily needs RGB images) ?
Question : do you in the future allow the user to choose between CPU or GPU usage ?
In any case, thank you again for this new tool, it is certainly perfectible, but very simple to use, and I sincerely think that it will allow a greater number of people to understand the many use cases made possible thanks to image recognition.
Thank you again
Kévin VANCAPPEL (France ;-))
Thank you again.
When building an analytic app which uses a Map Input, please enable Interface tool functionality which would allow the app user to change the base map (roads, imagery, etc.) within the app map interface. Currently I believe the only way to accommodate different base maps in an app is to configure multiple Map Inputs – one for each base map. The resulting map interface duplication clutters up the app and opens the door for configuration errors.
Enable app user control of base map
As we all know, we can filter only based on 1 condition on 1 column within our data-set using FILTER tool till date.
Idea is if people can add multiple conditions on same or different columns within same tool. e.g.
One feature in the input tool that would be great to have added to the already existing "Output file name as field" option would be to set the field at the beginning of the data set or end (i.e. you could set your default, click a check box or select from two options). Because with large data sets sometimes you need to do data manipulation on that field and it can be easier to work with right away if at the beginning of data set. Right now you have to drag in a select tool to fix it.
Many Times We have to do same transformation or Rules on Certain fields multiple times. and In even in my team multiple developers are also doing the same thing. If we have Tools re-usability functionality like. Build at one place and every one can pull that to each of their workflows and use it multiple times. This will be really helpful and save lot of time on duplicate works
Dear Alteryx Community,
I've tried my best to make sure this suggestion wasn't posted before so hoping I haven't missed a feature already present in Alteryx or re-posting an idea already submitted.
In any case, there is one operation I do so much that I wonder if it could be made easier. I would consider myself a very basic Alteryx users so many of my workflows usually end in either Excel files, CSV, or Alteryx Database files. In any case, here is what I would love (if possible)
In my workflow, I wish I could Right-click on my Output Tool using a file-based output such as Excel, .csv, .yxdb and have a R-Click menu option which said "Start Workflow". This would open a new Workflow with one input tool already present with a the path being the same as what was in the Output tool that I right-clicked on.
So many times I create an output and then need to use that output. This usually means I have to copy/paste the path, create an Input Tool and paste that path in. Would be so many easier if a few of these steps could be done automatically.
Otherwise, if the community knows a simpler/better way...I'm would love to know.
Thanks in advance
It will be very help full, if we have an option to ignore selected punctuation in Data Cleansing Tool under remove unwanted characters.
For example i wanted to ignore "&" and "-" while replacing punctuation, currently there is no option to ignore characters.
Please check the possibility of Adding the feature
I have a workflow that accepts 4 different sets of inputs.
It also has four different outputs. However, I can easily output to separate files in four containers and just close the containers that don't pertain to the input.
On the input side, I keep having to delete the connections and connect the desired input.
I would like to connect multiple files to one tool and have the tool only work if only one of the inputs it's live. Through the use of containers you would then choose which input was live.
Hi Team,
The data set has 2 columns with missing data,
If the user wants to impute the
missing values in Amount column with '$0" and
missing values in Age column with "mode",
it would be nice to have a single imputation tool to perform this.
Please let me know your thoughts.
I think it would be really useful to add bearing in degrees to the Find Nearest Tool. While the cardinal direction is helpful for context, it would be great to have finer detail than just the 8 options.
Would be interested if it was possible to turn off individual output tools individually rather than also disabling tools that write output, as it would be good to choose which output tools can write output, instead of placing them in a tool container for all of the output tools.
Why don't Alteryx build an "Designer extended edition"?
An Alteryx designer download that contains every available
Hello Altyerx Community,
I wish there was a 1 page PDF that would list all the Alteryx Keyboard Shortcuts. Save time and effort. Anyone else agree?
Keyboard Shortcuts @PaulT posted:
I wish it would be similar to the document that @ianwi posted:
IanWi, would you be interested in creating this? If so, thank you in advance!
Ryan Loshin
I notice that at least my Output files are tied up "being used by another program" after the workflow is closed. I have to actually close out of Alteryx to release the file. The file s/b released as soon as the workflow using it is done running. Failing that, as soon as the workflow is closed vs having to close Alteryx completely.
...or is this just my issue?
in a scenario where i pass multiple files to the download tool (to upload to an FTP server), the data in the workflow gets cut off with the message "ended by a downstream tool". This leads to me only uploading one file (out of the two I am trying to upload).
based on community posts, this seems to be because i am not outputting anything in the workflow or do not have any browses (browses are automatically turned off because I am using Crew Macro's List Runner)
BUG: the download tool should count as an output tool because it is indeed outputting.
BUG 2: if browses are disabled but they exist in the workflow, it should still create all the records.
I think replacement in Formula tool should work a little different. Now the tool recognize Column variable because it is in square brackets. When you:
1, select not whole text with brackets
2. click on the Columns and Constants and select one
you get an error like in the attached files.
In my opinion, however you click on a variable in editor (regardless of what you've selected), when you select a column or a constant, it should be fully replaced without parsing error.
In the Visual Layout Tool, is it possible to improve the naming capabilities?
Upstream in the workflow I named tables.
However, in the Visual Layout Tool, Tables are listed as 1,2,3 despite the names assigned earlier.
With several tables, it is difficult to keep track.
When i have a lot of columns in a database and I don't know the specific name of a column, it gets difficult to find it inside the select and summarize tool, for example. If you include a browser inside the most used tools, it would be easier to identify the columns and reduce time. Thanks for your time.
I have been working in some large files where I end up wanting to highlight several tools that are connected together, copy them, paste them and what to insert all at the same time in the same order into another section of my workflow and still have the tools around it connect the way things work when you are dragging in one tool at a time. This would save a lot of time of having to delete connections, drag tools out to make room for the ones I want to add and then reconnect everything back together again. I perform this sort of thing on a regular basis and it adds time when I am trying to save time by connecting the same series of tools I was just using.
I like the concept of the Interactive charts tool but it seems overtly cumbersome to use when you are trying to perform simple changes to a line graph. The chart tool was much easier. I like the direction the interactive tool is going but I should not have to edit the tools xml to display point values on a line graph.
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