Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Hi All,

Currently the FUZZY MATCH tool supports only Latin characters. It would be great if this tool could also support other characters, such as Hebrew letters and signs.


Thank You!

This would be very useful for testing changes in complex workflows.


In Many of our tools,Before processing any file We create backup and move it to some backup with the datetime stamp.

Can we have such option like "CreateBackup" with timestamp in input and output tools?

I'm glad that there is a Date filter function but I was wondering whether it could be changed?


I like how the ordinary Filter function has a true and a false output and I was wondering whether the Date Filter could have the same?

Try to create an oracle 32 bit connection.  Type in something wrong in the descriptor or user id or password.  You get a silent failure with no underlying notice about where you went wrong.  


You can get meaningful error messages from other database types, I got meaningful errors for ODBC connections to mysql and sql server while poking at this.  


Granted, it's only useful for jerks like me who don't type things in correctly and still have 32 bit Oracle instances to get to but somewhere down the chain the Oracle client is telling you that the user id was bad or the tns name couldn't be found or whatever, but you never get that metadata pushed back up to the user.  

This is pretty straightforward:

The join tool right now does only inner joins, requiring the use of the union tool to emulate outer joins.

By itself it works fine, however when having workflows involving a large number of joins and unions with lots of data in it performance is severely impacted, leaving to situations where Alteryx Designer slows down massively even with extra CPU/RAM available.


Thank you and regards,

Marco Zara

Apologies if this has been posted before, but couldn't find it.


In extended multi-workflow projects I output both yxdb files for later workflow use and xlsx files for human use to simplify support and allow non-Alteryx users to follow my workings.

Intuitively, I do this by copying and pasting the output file and then changing the type on the pasted output tool.

The behaviour on the copied output tool is not as expected if you change the file type without re-launching the File selector dialog.


I expected that changing the File Format should blank the file name browse, or change the file name to match the new FIle Format selection..

May I suggest on input data of YXDB files the ability to turn off/on spatial objects within the configuration tool to speed up load times when working through or testing a large module.

Thank you

I hope this request will be easy to implement.


One of the handy features I really like about Alteryx's standard Join tool is the way you can select and rename fields right in the join tool.  It would be great if this feature could be added to the IN-DB join tool.  Whenever I perform a join in DB, I ALWAYS have to add a select tool after it since you always want to de-select one of the redundant fields that the join was based on i.e. (ID and R_ID). 


Behind the scenes, I'm sure the select feature would still have to be handled as if it were a separate select tool, but it would just be convenient if the user interface could combine those two features.

I love the new global search option for introducing new users to functionality and seeing related community posts, but I also primarily use the search bar to grab tools and drag them onto the canvas.  The global search can slow down this functionality by waiting for search results to load and covering up the canvas.  This is particularly problematic if I have another window up side-by-side with Alteryx (e.g. SQL developer, Excel, Tableau, etc.) to view results or debug.  


We can see in this instance in 11 that I have a very small sliver of canvas visible.




Whereas in 10, there was still plenty of canvas during the search operation.



Granted the menu goes away once you start to click and drag, but having half of my canvas covered is still not ideal.  I also seem to have issues with the list refreshing and not being able to grab a tool at times.  


Another great enhancement would be to keep the global search in place for the search bar and add customizable keyboard shortcuts for tools similar to AutoCAD aliases.  This would keep the full search with help functionality in the bar, while providing users who have less of a need for help documentation with a means to add tools without clicking through toolbars.


Each license key can only handle up to 300 installations. For big companies like us in PwC, this is a struggle because we distribute software via SCCM and each territory needs to create a special script to handle this limitation. We have lots of folks using Alteryx so it would be great if you guys can find a way to remove this limitation or provide us with an easier and more efficient way to deploy the software to a huge amount of users world-wide. Thanks!

Currently there is a maximum amount that can be passed into the Dynamic Input, 1MB. I often hit this limit and it is infuriating.  If this was upped to 5MB that would solve a lot of my issues, but 50MB would be AMAZING.






Clustering your data on a sample and then appending clusters is a common theme

especially if you are in customer relations and marketing related divisions...



When it comes to appending clusters that you have calculated form a 20K sample and then you're going to "score" a few million clients you still need to download the data and use the append cluster...


Why don't we have an In-db append cluster instead,

which will quicken the "distance based" scoring that append cluster does

on SQLServer, Oracle or Teradata...









When several fields are marked the marking of check box should apply to all selected fields. 

When changing Type the change should also apply to all selected fields.


There should also be shortcut keys for doing this.


This is a really common task and would save a lot of time. I'm actually really surprised it does not already exist in Alteryx Designer.



It would be extremely helpful if there is an easy way to print off the current function reference for 11.0. In the past, you could easily do so with 9.5 (with the print button), but even putting out a basic PDF file that outlines the parameters for each function, and what it does would be useful. This is not possible with the newest version of the documentation.

It would be extremely helpful if the Alteryx documentation expanded more on how to specify a basic character class from within the documentation page:


so that you could easily tell Alteryx what character class you want, as outlined here:

Currently, it is very hard to look at the documentation, and know what characters encompass what class. Adding this would be extremely useful. The only way I found the syntax was through the formula menu, which is depressing that its not on the function reference page itself:


6-1-2017 11-43-01 AM.jpg.png

I absolutely love that version 11.05 added the "open containing folder" function to each workflow tab.  Can you add the same to input files?

I'm stealing this idea from Tableau's number formatting, it's a timesaver.


In the DateTime tool if I've initially selected a value besides Custom in the "Select the format..." list then when I click Custom rather than having the Custom textbox be blank I'd like to have it automatically populated with whatever formatting string I just selected. Here's an example screenshot:




I have used Publish to Tableau Server macro for over a years.  It works fine when I want to overwrite the data. 

However, the current macros (from Alteryx Gallery and Invisio) won't work with appending the data. Please modify or develop a workable macro for 'Append the data to Tableau Server'. It will save a lot of time in the daily update process.  

Note: I am using Alteryx 11 and Tableau 10.1. Thank you very much.

I would like to request that IBM Big Insights become a supported data source. Currently I have been unable to connect Alteryx Designer to Big Insights through any ODBC driver.

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