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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Create social and holiday themes for icons and set the canvas to an appropriate color.  Here's a world mental health day example:


WMHD Screengrab.png


If you need help, ask me how I did it.






P.S.  I realize that 2023 is next year.  Please don't wait that long :)


We are experiencing performance issues with fetching schema/table/columns info on Alteryx Designer when using Vertica DB.


From the troubleshoot with Alteryx support, the query hitting "odbc_columns" is contributing to the performance issue. Vertica DBA suggests to use "columns" instead of "odbc_columns". Submitting this request to change the query.


Refer to case 00551930 for more info.


It would be nice if the fields which are selected for the Unique tool can be easily visible. (by way of grouping selected fields etc)


The issue is that if a few out of many fields are selected to be considered for Unique, it is hard to review/check which are the fields that have been selected in the Unique Tool configuration.


Here's an example. It is difficult to see all the fields which have been selected. (There are 7 fields selected in this example.)





This is not exactly a new feature but I didn't know where else to send it.
I just received an email from Alteryx and I noticed that the footer is an image and not dynamic.


And there you see that the year is still 2021. A good idea would be to insert a code that would grab the year automatically from the actual date.



So this is a minor thing, but could we get an option to name log files output to something aside from 'Alteryx_Log_TUVXXYZ_1'? It would be really useful to have the name of the workflow appended onto the log instead of having to sift through them manually or clear the destination folder every time I want to check one specific workflow. I know there's probably ways around this, but having something in the interface would be an elegant solution if possible.


Thanks! Love y'alls software to death!


It would be great if there was a feature to disable/enable the ability for artisans from accidently publishing to the Company's "default" gallery location in a highly restrictive environment without having to hack the javascript file (production.js).



I am a newbie in Alteryx - has anyone ever built an etl workflow using python? I know how to read and run the jupyter notebook through import script in alteryx menu but not sure how to run my code as multiple steps of workflow. Any ideas?

Canvas settings can be used for providing more clarity and clutter-free look of complex workflows. For example, using Auto Route Perpendicular (where connection lines between tools are straight lines and break at 90 degrees and using different colours can really help in understanding workflow faster to someone who is looking at it for the first time. 


I know this is very subjective, but these additional customization settings can increase clarity in complex workflows. Especially when sharing workflow with others. 





The new versions of Alteryx the red "change color" has gone to yellow which is almost impossible to see with a big and bright monitor.


PLEASE change it back to the normal red background color!





I would like to be able to connect to an AWS EMR resource.

And an AWS gov cloud endpoint.


When running a job in the gallery, a file output has to be chosen every time, even if there is no other option. I propose that under "My Profile >> Workflow Defaults" users be able to choose a preferred default file format for outputs. If it is available then the gallery will automatically choose that, otherwise the user can pick. 


Cache function is very useful when executing very long db request.

I'd like to see a checkbox option (in workflow runtime settings for example) to enable/disable automatic caching of first execution for all inputs tools.




Would it be possible to Hide all annotations by default rather than each time a new workflow is created?   It's a simple thing but can save time.


Workflow configurationWorkflow configuration


I'd like to suggest that Alteryx make annotations able to be hidden or visible by right clicking or hovering over a little highlighted corner similar to comments/notes in Excel.  Have a highlighted corner of tools when there is an annotation. When hovering over the colored corner, user is able to view the annotation otherwise it is hidden and out of the way of the tool box. 


Please allow disable or ignore conversion errors in SharePoint List Input. 


In SharePoint List Input I see the same conversion error about 10 times. Then....

"Conversion Error Limit Reached".


Can you simply show the error once or allow users to choose to ignore the error? (Union Tool allows users to ignore errors).


I am not using that SP column in my workflow. Meanwhile I have to show my workflow to a 3rd party within the company. SO annoying to see errors that do not apply to my workflow being shown.



This is a general request for uniform methods of connecting to data sources. The management of data connections is currently varied, and configurations/updates are completely different across connections. 




Under User Settings, if you could add options to change what Alteryx shows in the tool configuration window. Currently, it shows Field, Type, Size, Rename, Description. I've been using Alteryx for almost 20 years, I've never used the Description field for anything. If Alteryx provided the option to remove it from the view for users who never use it, then the Rename field would no longer get truncated, which is a field I think is more widely utilized.




When a macro that is not "installed" is inserted to a workflow (from a folder), its dependency can also be modified (including the macro inputs, if there are any) from the Workflow Dependencies settings.


I would like to suggest that the macro tools and the relevant files have separate buttons for dependency configurations.


One use case for this would be when a user saves a workflow in a specific location after configuring the paths as All Relative and moving the workflow to an entirely different folder afterwards, making it difficult to find the original location of the macro used in the workflow, also introducing the chance of breaking the workflow when opened and saved with the undefined (question mark sign) macro tool if the underlying workflow XML is not examined by a text editor.


There are currently many encoding options (see also: Input Tool Has Limited Varieties of Code Pages) that are available for use with Alteryx Designer (, however only a certain number of them can be directly accessed from the interface. Providing the user an option to enable all possible encoding options (from User Settings) for the applicable tools could eliminate the need for building an analytic app just to pass the output encoding parameter to i.e. the Input/Output/Run Command tools.


One case this could be useful is when there are file/folder names with non-English characters and a Run Command tool is used to execute an operation regarding moving something from/to the folder, where the only option is to use an OEM encoding to be able to correctly pass the file/folder name information, otherwise the characters are not read correctly by CMD.


I would like to Alteyx making a New Warning(Int type)

If a decimal point occurs during division of Int type data, the digits are truncated.

1/3 = 0.333333, but
If it is of type Int, it will be displayed as 0.

I know that the Int type is defined as an integer, but
I would like to Alteryx making a warning if the operation does not result in an integer.

Then we should be able to detect errors.



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