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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I often have to cache my workflow at certain points to do further development/analysis since the run time is so long. I can't express how frustrating it is when i need to edit a formula tool that's like 2 tools behind the cache but the whole entire cache is lost when i have to edit it. why can't the cache be kept up until the tool that was edited??


ARIMA, ETS, TS Forecast, TS Covariate Forecast are difficult to differentiate, more distinct icons would improve differentiation on the canvas. 

  • Enhancement

Don't know if someone else already flagged this... however if you click on a tool link in the result window, while the workflow is running, the window doesn't go back to the "main view" until the workflow stops.

It's fine if the workflow takes a few minutes to run, but if you are trying to debug a heavy workflow and you click by mistake on a tool link halfway through... it's a bit annoying that you can't see the output messages until the end


I recently downloaded version 2021.2. I noticed in the results when filtering that there is now a "data cleanse" feature in addition to the "filter" and "sort" features.  The data cleanse filtering feature should be an optional addition.  This feature is not necessary within the results to perform a quick filter on the results.  Adding this feature decreases functionality and efficiency as the user now has to pass over this option to get to the "filter" and "sort" features.  If anything, this option should be put below the filter and sort features.  Please consider making this feature within the results section optional or put the feature below the more important features of filtering and sorting.  

  • Enhancement

If I paste or insert a tool in a connection, tools to the left will sometimes vertically move a few pixels. I have to realign them and it is a nuisance. Please move only the tools to the right and only horizontally.

  • Enhancement

On Canvas settings, in the screenshot below, the entire context is visible, but still have a scroll bar. It should automatically adjust:





  • Enhancement

The double click to insert is great. I believe one cool addition to that would be if I have multiple tools selected on the canvas and double click on tool to add it, it could add to all the tools that were selected. 

  • Enhancement

I got so used to double click the tool on the tool pallet to insert it on the canvas that whenever I search for a tool, I keep double clicking it in the search results and, of course, nothing happens. 

  • Enhancement

I love the macro indicator. It is not obtrusive and over the top. Can I have something similar for tools that are available to be cached? I don't want to hunt and right-click on tools to see if the cache option is greyed out of the context menu. Please just put a wedge or some other shape on the tools that can be cached.


In older versions, I could delete the text of an annotation. It didn't matter if I wrote it or if it was autogenerated. Now, I cannot remove the text of the annotation. Yes, I know that I can hide the annotation of that tool. I want to delete the text. I have to select all the text and replace it with a space. I don't know why this functionality changed. Please change it back.

  • Enhancement

It would be great if you could fix the Interactive Trainings - great idea to have them, but they are constantly down (at the moment Apps does not work, then went to Predictive Grouping, which also does not work). Not quite sure why this is so complicated, maybe the whole thing could be moved to youtube (if you have server limitations) and then have the test questions separately on the alteryx website.


Really demotivating that whenever I have an hour to learn  during the day, it is a lottery, whether the interactive trainings will work or not.


Before new ideas, we should also be conscious of getting the basics right.



  • Enhancement


I am currently testing whether my company could use OneDrive as repository for all of our new projects.

Example path:


"C:\Users\UserName" is dynamically changed part of all dependecies located on our Onedrive TEAMS folder. In order to dynamicaly define that part for all of our input/outputs we have to utilize GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE") function at all input/output routes.

Problem lies with macros. Although I can use %TEMP% user variable to define paths for all macros, I wasn't able to replicate that with %USERPROFILE%


<EngineSettings Macro="%TEMP%\CommonCompanyOnedriveFolder\SpecificTeamsDirectoryFolder\OneDriveTesting\testingmacro.yxmc" /> works


<EngineSettings Macro="%USERPROFILE%\CommonCompanyOnedriveFolder\SpecificTeamsDirectoryFolder\OneDriveTesting\testingmacro.yxmc" /> doesn’t


Could you please enable all user/system variables to be detected at runtime (even custom ones)?


This would enable Alteryx Designer to support cloud based storage folder natively, as filepaths for all OneDrive based files stored locally would be dynamically changed across users with a particular workflow opened.


Alteryx version 2020.4


I tend to use a lot of the 'Names' for the connections. 
If you're not familiar with this option, or the above makes little sense, when you select a connector (line) on the canvas, within the configuration window, you can enter a 'Name' (or just some text) in the box, that will then appear on the canvas. 


I'd like this option to be expanded on. 


Rather than just putting in some text, I'd like the ability to have the text centred on the line between the tools. Maybe have the text a different colour. One definite option I'd like is for 'Wrap-Text'.


I tend to use this option to make notes on my workflow, as I find that it looks better than a comment box or tool annotation. It's useful if your workflow has multiple streams and you want to note what one stream does. 


As an example of how I use it: 


To be able to have this 'Wrapped' would make it so much neater. 


Only a 'small' change I guess(?)


  • Enhancement

This error may be encountered and replicated when you are using an image in the reporting "Header" tool where the path contains an "&". Yes this is rare, but possible and sometimes you want to keep the path, but can't update the path name. If you select the image in a path with an "&", then you'll get an error similar to the following:


Error: Report Header (36): The Action "Update Image Tool" has an error: ParseError: Unterminated entity reference, 'D' at line 2 and column 19
while processing "Action_UpdateRawXml"


A discussion began in 2016 on this topic:
Solved: Insert Image in Report Header: ParseError: Untermi... - Alteryx Community


The language options have been so helpful for our Global team; is a Korean language option under consideration for Designer & the online training courses? 

  • Enhancement

I would really like to see .dif files added as a file option to the output tool. Currently, I have to output as an excel file and then open the file and save as a .dif file format. Figure if Excel can save the file format, Alteryx should be able as well.




  • Enhancement

So while first and last make sense concat will crash the system. Here's a screen grab... Designer really doesn't like crosstab reporting tools set (accidentally) to concatenate 3 macros deep in a workflow. Just crashed 3 times before I tracked down the error on my system.2021-07-22.png


Hi All,




When input <List of Sheet Names>, Alteryx will assign data type and size accordingly.



FileSheet NameData TypeSize
Book1MTD 매출 조회V_WString9
Book2MTD 매출 (KT&G)V_WString13


It become a problem, when input with multiple files with wildcard (Input file Book*xlsx).

It will be skipped due to "has a different schema than the 1st file in the set and will be skipped"



Very simple, always same data type and size, like in formula tool. V_Wstring, with size 1073741823.


Dear Community,


could you please change the path processing of the alteryx app interface so that we can paste path links with quotation marks without getting an error by the alteryx app?

this would enhance workflow speed because one cannot save folder location for the interface to search for first when browsing files. it always begins at the pc level or something. 

so the workaround would be to just paste the file location path in the browser window of the interface, then pressing browse again to just scroll through the wished folder. 

this idea is not only for the purpose of the workaround but also for itself worth it. 

in windows one can easily copy file paths by holding down shift and right mouse click and the clicking on "copy path" . the copy is in the clipboard which i would like to pass to the alteryx app just like this without the necessity to remove the quotation marks as this costs time and is difficult when paths are long. 


thank you


Using Email tool, you are not able to send email via SMTP server that uses STARTTLS protocol and self-signed certificate for completing the handshake between the client and the server. You face an error:



This is due to the fact that the Alteryx Designer SMTP client uses cURL and it does not read the Microsoft cert store, but instead looks at a specific .pem file listed in the installation directory: {AlteryxInstall}\bin\RuntimeData\Certificates\cacert.pem


I would really appreciate if Alteryx Designer will be able to look into the Microsoft certificates store so that it should be able to use self-signed certificates available there.

Self-signed certificates are often use in the companies in order to get more secures their own communications.



please refer to the case #00447188 for more details