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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Parquet is a very fast, efficient and widely used data format, currently only below Parquet compression algorithms are supported and we cannot use Alteryx to read the parquet file that generated by other processes. This limits our usage in Alteryx.  

  • Read support: Snappy and Gzip compression algorithms.

  • Write support: Snappy only

It would be great for Alteryx to support all types of Parquet format so we can maximize the use of Alteryx in data analysis.


Create a connector for Azure Cosmos DB, integrate it directly into their Alteryx workflows


I think it would be very helpful (and very easy) to add metadata to a yxdb with the name and location of the workflow that created or most recently updated that file. Right now I have to add a column to the data frame with a formula tool with the location, which puts the filepath on every single line, and is not how I want to present a finished product dataset to a superior. Thank you!