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I've run into an issue where I'm using an Input (or dynamic input) tool inside a macro (attached) which is being updated via a File Browse tool. Being that I work at a large company with several data sources; so we use a lot of Shared (Gallery) Connections. The issue is that whenever I try to enter any sort of aliased connection (Gallery or otherwise), it reverts to the default connection I have in the Input or Dynamic Input tool. It does not act this way if I use a manually typed connection string.


Initially, I thought this was a bug; so I brought it to Support's attention. They told me that this was the default action of the tool. So I'm suggesting that the default action of Input and Dynamic Input tools be changed to allow being overridden by Aliased connections with File Browse and Action tools. The simplest way to implement this would probably be to translate the alias before pushing it to the macro.


The current SharePoint connector works fine until you encounter SharePoint lists hosted in MS Groups which appears to use Azure Active directory much different from how the original SharePoint domain works. An easy way to determine this is if your SharePoint lists have a domain with instead of


Currently the work around is having go through the MS Groups API which is complicated and requires extra IT support for access and other credentials.


Cisco, which has been building enterprise networks, and is literally close to the Internet of Things, is creating some data products, perhaps a platform, perhaps a suite, to handle big data. Part of their offering is DNA Data Virtualization ( Compare Cisco at 75,000 employees to SAS at 15,000. 


Have been using Alteryx GA component and found some issues, apart from the setup teething problems I was having.

So thought I’d let you know , in case it’s just not me who is suffering…


We do a fair amount of marketing for our Private business and like to measure conversion of the pipeline.

I’ve been looking at Lead -> Account -> Trade

Have been drilling into lead data with little source identifiers which are appearing in a NULL bucket..


When using Alteryx

I noticed that the Profiles for my id do not appear fully in Alteryx via the drop down..

It picks up QA profile data instead of the live profiles and does not show the whole set ?

Tableau works correctly showing the complete set of GA profiles

I don’t have the full set of profiles…


Maybe config related but why bring in some profiles and not others when I can access fine from GA directly and via Tableau ?


Trying to set these profiles and config files seemed problematic – reset to default removes the 4 config files, when you run again it doesn’t create them.


Had to keep a copy of these and put them back in manually or cpy an old widget and run a new one up from that …


Resetting the profile and saving caused other errors to appear related to the Tokens…


Found that annoying and a waste of time… immature (arghh) !


I think the Alteryx implementation is immature and not as good as Tableau and you have more work to do…! But may just be me !


Can you help improve it as I’d like to pull and blend reliably via Alteryx and do this for a range of dates to avoid sampling data


I do love the product but love this a little less than anything else …


I’d also love to be able to pull from Tableau data sources into Alteryx as we have all of our history in Tableau server

Has anyone else wanted the same ?

Obviously you can store to TDE but want the reverse… to pull from Tableau server





Below is a list of DBMS rankings as of August 2016

(for an updated and longer list see:

I personally look for; HBase, Splunk, MariaDB, Couchbase, Amazon Dynamo, CouchDB connections...


Rank  DBMSDatabase ModelAlteryx
1.11OracleRelational DBMSYes
2.22MySQL Relational DBMSYes
3.33Microsoft SQL ServerRelational DBMSYes
4.44MongoDB Document storeYes
5.55PostgreSQLRelational DBMSYes
6.66DB2Relational DBMSYes
7.78Cassandra Wide column storeYes
8.87Microsoft AccessRelational DBMSYes
9.99SQLiteRelational DBMSYes
10.1010Redis Key-value storeNo
11.1114Elasticsearch Search engineNo
12.1213TeradataRelational DBMSYes
13.1311SAP Adaptive ServerRelational DBMSYes
14.1412SolrSearch engineNo
15.1515HBaseWide column storeNo
16.1617FileMakerRelational DBMSNo
17.1818SplunkSearch engineNo
18.1716HiveRelational DBMSYes
19.1919SAP HANA Relational DBMSYes
20.2025MariaDBRelational DBMSNo
21.2122Neo4j Graph DBMSNo
22.2220InformixRelational DBMSNo
23.2321MemcachedKey-value storeNo
24.2424Couchbase Document storeNo
25.2528Amazon DynamoDB Document storeNo
26.2623CouchDBDocument storeNo
27.2730VerticaRelational DBMSYes
28.2829Microsoft Azure SQL DatabaseRelational DBMSYes
29.2927NetezzaRelational DBMSYes
30.3026FirebirdRelational DBMSNo
31.3131Riak KV Key-value storeNo
32.3340Amazon Redshift Relational DBMSYes
33.3232MarkLogicMulti-model No
34.3434dBASERelational DBMSYes
35.3535GreenplumRelational DBMSYes
36.3633IngresRelational DBMSNo
37.3739ImpalaRelational DBMSYes
38.3836SphinxSearch engineNo
39.3943HazelcastKey-value storeNo
40.4038EhcacheKey-value storeNo
41.4151Google BigQuery Relational DBMSYes
42.4350OrientDBMulti-model No
43.4241InterbaseRelational DBMSNo
44.4545Spark SQLRelational DBMSNo
45.4455TitanGraph DBMSNo
46.4668RethinkDBDocument storeNo
47.5081InfluxDBTime Series DBMSNo
48.4769AerospikeKey-value storeNo
49.4947CloudantDocument storeNo

I want to connect to Salesforce without Security Token.

Salesforce doesn't need Security Token when we set Login IP Ranges.


Actual Condition:

  1. In Salesforce, I set Login IP Ranges like below so that Salesforce doesn't require Security Token.


  1. I could connect to verify custom object definition viaSalesforce Input without Security Token



  1. When workflow rub, Salesforce Input shows error message.




Thank you for considering our request.


I would love the to get back the ability to use WHERE clauses in the custom SQL to manage the data that gets imported from xlsx files. I can currently use the legacy driver but would like to have that added in for the current driver.

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