Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Where is the hierarchical clustering?

Is there a reason why Alteryx does not include hierarchical clustering?


Well it's sort of slow especially with huge data sets, computation effort increases cubic, but then when you need to do two step clustering,

"creating more than enough k-means clusters and joining cluster centers with hierarchical clustering" it seems to be a must...


P.s. Knime, SPSS modeler, SAS, Rapidminer has it already...

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Just bumped into this now, while doing the second-last assignment on the Udacity Nano-degree.    Not sure if anyone responded to you on this @Atabarezz or if this is a genuine gap in the product?

13 - Pulsar

No response at all... Thanks for paying attention Sean.


This method is available as an R package but not as a tool in Alteryx...


When this method is used in conjunction with K-means clustering tool

Alteryx will become an even more powerful tool providing more accurate segmentation

13 - Pulsar

Here is a nice blog post from analytics vidhya explaining k-means (available in Alteryx)

vs. hierarchical clustering (not available in Alteryx);





13 - Pulsar

By the way if you combine two methods;


  • a very detailed (high number of K's) K-means or medoids model (which is always a fast algorithm)
  • with a hierarchical model (normally it's slow with big data but for a managable number of K-means clusters it's fast as well)

you basically get a two-step clustering algorithm that already exists in SPSS Modeller...


here is a link to the relevant IBM SPSS modeler algorithm guide:

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1. The idea has not had activity in the form of likes or comments in over a year.

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However, this doesn't mean your idea won't be implemented! The Community can still like and comment on this idea. With enough renewed interest, this idea can be brought back into the 'New Idea' status. 


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11 - Bolide
I would love to see a tool for this
7 - Meteor

It will good to have hierarchical clustering in Alteryx with the standard clustering methods including Ward's.  

8 - Asteroid

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